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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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Why would recruits bail?

Hearing that the program is about to get hammered with LOIC for Simple Jim lying and the university covering for him
Off to the NFL even if he gets a minor suspension for next year
Might be suspended for all of next year
Is going to offer his bag of cheeseburgers to the NFL in January no matter what
They just realized how really fucking weird this guy is
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Why would recruits bail?

Hearing that the program is about to get hammered with LOIC for Simple Jim lying and the university covering for him
Off to the NFL even if he gets a minor suspension for next year
Might be suspended for all of next year
Is going to offer his bag of cheeseburgers to the NFL in January no matter what
They just realized how really fucking weird this guy is

6: He will go to the portal and get an experienced guy to replace you next year. There is no room at the inn for HS guys in their post COVID roster model.
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