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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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Honestly don’t give a damn about the cheating scandal anymore.
Right now, I don't either. But as soon as we get some more drip, drip, drip...

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Yeah, but I still want to see them hammered, including a multi-year postseason ban, to damage their recruiting (and portal prospects) and hurt them for years to come.

And get them well below that 1,000 win barrier.

I think some want to now bury the cheating because it counters the narrative that Day needs to go.
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The score was 27-24 with 8 minutes left. TCUN proceeded to burn 7 minutes off the clock, make us use all of our time outs, and increase it to 30-24 with one minute left. The defense isn't getting off the hook for this one. They didn't make a single stop in the second half and TCUN scored on all four possessions.

Offense and special teams obviously had their issues as well, but pretending the defense was fine is just that - pretending. It's a team loss.

Yep, we did literally everything we couldn't do in this game at every level

Offense had that back breaking turnover early that caused on to play from behind most of the game
Defense couldn't get off the field and let them kill a shit ton of clock late with long methodical drives
Special teams did what they did all year and were completely shitty. Punting especially was awful.
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I think some want to now bury the cheating because it counters the narrative that Day needs to go.

No, I just think now that we've played them post-Stalions and still lost, people just realize there are issues internally that should be worried about before the sign stuff.

They should be punished because they deserve to be, but you really shouldn't be worried about other people's business when we clearly can't take care of our own.
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No, I just think now that we've played them post-Stalions and still lost, people just realize there are issues internally that should be worried about before the sign stuff.

They should be punished because they deserve to be, but you really shouldn't be worried about other people's business when we clearly can't take care of our own.


We still couldn't beat them when they trotted out a interim coach on game day after they had their cheat codes taken away.

That makes it hard to get very giddy about any of the cheating scandal shit anymore.
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We still couldn't beat them when they trotted out a interim coach on game day after they had their cheat codes taken away.

That makes it hard to get very giddy about any of the cheating scandal shit anymore.

That's what pissed me off about the 3 hour a week Harbaugh suspension. He didn't do much on gameday. It was a lose/lose. Michigan got a martyr and whether OSU won or lost it was without Harbaugh.

Honestly I don't get why this game was seen as a forgone conclusion. I know that OSU has more talent but Michigan was a legit top 10 team and for some reason we're trusting that a program that cheated for 3 years suddenly stopped everything because one guy left. It never made sense to me.

Giving them every benefit of the doubt, OSU lost an evenly matched game giving up 2 turnovers and with poor special teams. That is on Day and he must fix it by firing Fleming, figuring out the QB and OL. But this wasn't 95 or 96. It was closer to '03.

OSU fans react this way and it plays directly into their hand. Dodge an assbeating, cheat as much as possible, win and hope fans are too proud or two jaded to think it was due to said massive cheating. All the while pushing talking points about being soft getting into fans' and coaches' heads.

You guys want to buy their line of bullshit? That's up to you. There are a lot of times I'd rather be cynical than look the fool being hopeful. But this is the absolute lowest of the low. Dirty cheating scum gloating and bragging hoping to get away with it and convince everyone that it was all a dream. The only thing that team and staff deserve is to be at midfield when the meteor hits.
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No, I just think now that we've played them post-Stalions and still lost, people just realize there are issues internally that should be worried about before the sign stuff.

They should be punished because they deserve to be, but you really shouldn't be worried about other people's business when we clearly can't take care of our own.
There are issues, and if Day doesn't address them his ass should absolutely be on the hot seat next year. That being said, there's no way those tsun teams come out for the second halves of what were close games in 21 and 22 and just shut down CJ Stroud to win by three scores without Stalions and his laminates. Given our defensive struggles, could they have squeaked out a close win? Perhaps, but there's no fucking way they win going away.
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Exhausted dude. They needed an offensive drive to happen somewhere

An offensive drive? OSU's second half possessions:

Six minute TD drive
3 and out
Four minute TD drive

The only other time OSU had the ball came with 1 minute left and no time outs - good luck going 82 yards.

TCUN scored on all four second half possessions, the last being a seven minute FG drive after OSU cut it to 27-24 with 8 minutes left. OSU needed one second half defensive stop. They never got it.
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The score was 27-24 with 8 minutes left. TCUN proceeded to burn 7 minutes off the clock, make us use all of our time outs, and increase it to 30-24 with one minute left. The defense isn't getting off the hook for this one. They didn't make a single stop in the second half and TCUN scored on all four possessions.

Offense and special teams obviously had their issues as well, but pretending the defense was fine is just that - pretending. It's a team loss.
If the offensive pass interference would have been called like it should they were looking at getting the ball back then…
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