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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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Ugh - I'm getting more and more angry about this. This is one of the biggest scandals in sports.

What scandal has been worse?
Patriots filming opposition for signals? I think this is worse. At a minimum, they're tied.
Patriots deflategate? I think this is worse.
Astros? Meh, I think this is worse.
Pete Rose? Yeah, maybe that was worse. Maybe. But that was one guy - this is a whole team.
1919 White Sox (Black Sox)? No - this is worse. That was one series. This is 2-1/2 years, at least.
Steroids in the game? Yeah, maybe that was worse, too.
Tattoogate? HA! This is way worse!!
SMU paying players? This is worse. Signalgate is way worse.

And, again, I'm pessimistic that the Big Ten will do anything in time. It's already been mentioned that the NCAA CAN'T do anything in time. The only entities who CAN make this right are the Big Ten and the playoff committee. They each have a chance to stop M*ch*gan from getting into the party. We all know that M*ch*gan is going to cause mayhem in there, and I don't mean on the football field. Whatever they might win, it's going to be taken away. Why let them in?
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I might have missed something in these 277 pages. Do we know for sure that SCUM has videotape of OSU practices? Furthermore, have we confirmed that they obtained it through cybercrime?

There is no official confirmation. But I would recommend the reading the Keith7456 in this eleven warrior thread


And all of the Oracles posts in this eleven warrior thread, especially his original post


If you still have doubts, I can't help you.
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Ugh - I'm getting more and more angry about this. This is one of the biggest scandals in sports.

What scandal has been worse?
I’d say the 1950/51 CCNY and Kentucky (among others) college basketball point shaving scandal was worse.
At least 32 players were arrested, All-Americans were suspended, and Kentucky was barred for an entire season.

Eventually, District Attorney Frank Hogan arrested 32 players from seven colleges who fixed 86 games between 1947 and 1950.

A blast as large as the one involving City College on Feb. 18 exploded on Oct. 20 when Hogan arrested Kentucky basketball players Ralph Beard, Alex Groza and Dale Barnstable for accepting $500 bribes to shave points in an NIT game against Loyola of Chicgo in Madison Square Garden in 1949. Groza and Beard had been on two NCAA championship teams and Beard also had been on one NIT winner. The 1949 games were an attempt to win the 1949 NIT and NCAA, which CCNY achieved in 1950. Beard and Groza had also been on the 1948 Olympic basketball gold medal team, and this Olympic unit was the nucleus of the NBA Indianapolis Olympians in 1949.

Judge Streit awarded suspended sentences to Groza, Beard and Barnstable and placed them on indefinite probation and barred them from all sports for three years. The NBA commissioner Maurice Podoloff also suspended the trio.

In the last stages of the hoop scandals or 1951, there was another significant event.

Bill Spivey, Kentucky's All-American center and leading player on the NCAA champions of 1951, was barred on March 2, 1952 from athletic play at the university. Spivey was never implicated in point shaving, so the action was surprising, though there were accusations against Spivey by teammates.

Kentucky coach Adolph Rupp had claimed his team was untouchable: "They couldn't reach my boys with a ten-foot pole." He was wrong. The NCAA suspended the Kentucky basketball program for the 1952-53 season.
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I’d say the 1950/51 CCNY and Kentucky (among others) college basketball point shaving scandal was worse.
At least 32 players were arrested, All-Americans were suspended, and Kentucky was barred for an entire season.

Fair enough. My knowledge of sports history is limited, and probably more 1980's to recent. But it doesn't take away from the fact that I believe that many outlets seem to be downplaying this.

Or am I blowing this out of proportion?

Edit: Yeah - that one was worse. 7 teams were involved and went on for years.
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Just incredible take here

This is not incredible or in fact, even the least bit surprising. Michigan Podcast are on Team Harbaugh

What is Team Harbaugh's goal. 1) Keep Harbuagh and staff in place long enough to 2) win a national title for Michigan

Who is Team Harbaugh 1) Harbaugh and Staff 2) Supporters in university and athletic department (Jordan Aker recently outed himself as being in this group 3) SCUM fanboy media (Webb, Balls, Hole, Portnoy, Michigan Podcast, et al) 4) Michigan fans that have been or can be persuaded to join Team Harbaugh.

How will they do it ?

1) Pressure the Board of Regents and SCUM athletic dept to NOT fire Harbaugh and Staff and not to hit the current team with a self imposed post season ban. They will do this with email (check) and phone (check) campaigns.

2) Assert that any rules violation are done by lone rogue individuals and were NOT known by anyone else in the football program. (check)

3) Defect responsibility for any current or upcoming rules violation. This will be done lying/speculating about who might have informed the NCAA about those rules violation (check) , providing incredibly detailed explanations of the correct interpretations of NCAA rules from individuals that now consider themselves experts because they first looked at the NCAA rule book last week (check) and assert that any rule that they violated is stupid and everybody does it anyway (check)

4) Assert that any news from any source other then Team Harbaugh is incorrect/tainted/suspect/biased (Michigan Podcast for the final CHECK) because it may report that the former SCUM OC had OSU practice video and suspected CSAM on work computer or any number of additional damaging details that may yet be revealed.

That post makes perfect sense to me.
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Too many want their pound of flesh NOW.
Yep. I do. And I know we need due process and all that. But in the meantime, the bad guy is walking the streets, doing more bad guy stuff. He's got a garage full of stolen goods. Put a cop outside his house to watch him. He's going to steal more shit and he's going to sell it. Stop him before he can go any further.
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Ugh - I'm getting more and more angry about this. This is one of the biggest scandals in sports.

What scandal has been worse?
Patriots filming opposition for signals? I think this is worse. At a minimum, they're tied.
Patriots deflategate? I think this is worse.
Astros? Meh, I think this is worse.
Pete Rose? Yeah, maybe that was worse. Maybe. But that was one guy - this is a whole team.
1919 White Sox (Black Sox)? No - this is worse. That was one series. This is 2-1/2 years, at least.
Steroids in the game? Yeah, maybe that was worse, too.
Tattoogate? HA! This is way worse!!
SMU paying players? This is worse. Signalgate is way worse.

And, again, I'm pessimistic that the Big Ten will do anything in time. It's already been mentioned that the NCAA CAN'T do anything in time. The only entities who CAN make this right are the Big Ten and the playoff committee. They each have a chance to stop M*ch*gan from getting into the party. We all know that M*ch*gan is going to cause mayhem in there, and I don't mean on the football field. Whatever they might win, it's going to be taken away. Why let them in?
Totally how I feel right now too.

Instead of doing all this investigation shit they just need to confirm some of it. For example, did they steal signs and did they use the information? It seems like that answer is a resounding Yes so stop waiting for the whole picture and stop them from “entering the party” as you say. You can circle back for the rest of the punishment later.

But right now you’re about to let the most corrupt program in the history of sports play out their season while you fumble around to get a full picture.
Yep. I do. And I know we need due process and all that. But in the meantime, the bad guy is walking the streets, doing more bad guy stuff. He's got a garage full of stolen goods. Put a cop outside his house to watch him. He's going to steal more shit and he's going to sell it. Stop him before he can go any further.
that’s why I wish whoever would confirm 1 thing right now to determine what to do. Many times in order to keep a criminal off the streets while they confirm things they’ll jail them for something they can prove while they look into other things. That’s what needs to be done here. As I said above, if you can confirm they got signs against the rules then stop screwing around.
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