Two Thoughts.
1. What if the Signs in use by the other team can't be truly confirmed until on-site observers and their computers have a full half of data to confirm what they're seeing. Then they use halftime to communicate to the people on field who put them in use for second half play. Might explain the slow starts and a 173-0 third quarter scoring advantage. It would also eliminate the risk of making a wrong first half "guess" and giving up a big play on defense.
2. For this year's GAME, why not go "old school"? Send in plays with wide receivers (which we have a lot of), huddle up, but sprint out of the huddle, get set and go quickly. You could still audible now and then, but we probably won't be able to communicate in that shit hole of a stadium anyway. You could use motion to see if they are in man or zone. By rule they would have the opportunity to match personnel, but I think the substitution rule starts it's time clock as the offensive players run onto the field as opposed to when they break the huddle. It would be golden to see their defense running around trying to match up with very little time to do it and absolutely no clue as to the certainty of pass vs. run.