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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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For those saying that vacated wins or forfeits are not that important. Remember how utterly precious it is to the dfbia to get to a thousand wins before anyone else. Not only will losing three years worth of wins kill the dream, but most likely, they'll have to watch us get there first.
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I think you guys are missing the obvious here.... Lets look at the facts...... This dude met Harbaugh years ago during one of ttun's overseas trips when he was in the Marines. Harbaugh instantly took a liking to him as his quirky habit of deciphering complex hand signals reminded Simple Jim of himself as a younger man. The dude - whom Harbaugh himself gave the nickname "Rainman Jr." started traveling all across the MIdwest, buying airline and game tickets via money he made from selling shirts online, to satisfy his internal desire to crack every teams' hand signals. You are all reading way too much into this......

No episodes of Wapner were missed.
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I've never heard of him but this guy's Twitter account (or X whatever they're calling it this week) says he's a reporter for ABC and ESPN...

Kent McAllister


BREAKING: Connor Stalions has officially been dismissed by the University of Michigan. The investigation is still ongoing and no punishment from the NCAA has been announced yet. Looking like a possible half season suspension for Jim Harbaugh and a bowl ban, neither yet confirmed.

And then there's this...

Kent McAllister


BREAKING: Michigan football will be forced to forfeit the rest of the 2023 season. Reportedly suspensions and bans still to come.

I remain skeptical...
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I've never heard of him but this guy's Twitter account (or X whatever they're calling it this week) says he's a reporter for ABC and ESPN...

Kent McAllister

BREAKING: Connor Stalions has officially been dismissed by the University of Michigan. The investigation is still ongoing and no punishment from the NCAA has been announced yet. Looking like a possible half season suspension for Jim Harbaugh and a bowl ban, neither yet confirmed.

And then there's this...

Kent McAllister

BREAKING: Michigan football will be forced to forfeit the rest of the 2023 season. Reportedly suspensions and bans still to come.

I remain skeptical...
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This tells me the players knew as well. They were in on it in that very video.
Totally. It was one of the first, if not the first, plays of the game. It's one thing to steal signals later in the game based on what they've seen in earlier plays but to know exactly what we were doing and react like that screams "advance knowledge".
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