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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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Wouldn't this imply that they are god like in game stealing of signs? I would expect it to be almost the reverse.... but I guess they could have "tried" not to use the info in the first half but because the games were close felt the needs?
It implies what many have been saying. They use the first half to verify their scouting, then implement their intel after the half and proceed to totally shut opponents down.
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No, I want him to be completely and publicly humiliated as a fraud and a cheat and to be unceremoniously shitcanned while being slapped with the mother of all show-causes and a lifetime ban from the B1G. And then I want Vegas to float him out into Lake Huron with a meathook up his ass. I want this motherless fuck to be so thoroughly tarnished that his 17 children all change their last name out of shame.
I have a different take. He's a piece of s#-+. I am not about making that guy a martyr for the scum fan base, and I also think this whole last couple seasons was a consequence of a perfect storm, and I don't think he is a good coach. He doesn't deserve to be a martyr.
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Ok, finally caught up.

I would expect a post-season ban the same length of how long this went on. So at least 3 seasons.

Scholarship reductions will be longer, and probably depend on the cooperativeness of Michigan.

Harbaugh and staff are absolutely gone. If anyone didn't know, they should have and self-reported based on the game day footage. Lack of institutional control is very possible.

Remember, we self-reported tattoo gate. It didn't require other staffs and the conferences raising hell to initially come out.
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But it shows how involved a "low-level staffer" is involved in the game in real time. This isn't the only game porn name marine is seen in a similar position. Their claims that Stalions is just a "rogue agent" don't wash when the staff have him right there standing next to them in games.
His mgoblue.com job description is "Analytics Assistant" but he doesn't appear to be doing a lot of math.

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Since Indiana 2022 (12 games, not including 2023 Sparty) Michigan has outscored B1G opponents 282 -36 in the second half. 7 of those games were 2nd half shut outs. The ones that weren't were 2022 Ped (3 2nd half points) 2022 Illinois (somehow managed to outscored scUM 14 12 and represents an outlier if you ask me (The Game was then following week) 2022 Ohio State (3 pts), 2022 Purdue (9 pts, B1G championship game) and a garbage time 74 yard run to 2023 Nebraska.

Conversely Michigan preformed better than its first half every single game, excluding 2022 Nebraska where they scored 17 each half in a 34 3 win.
As awful as they are on offense, Iowa, in its last 12 B1G games has given up 107 second half points compared to 85 given up in first halves. 2 second half shut outs.
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Couldn't have anything to do with two Heisman finalist quarterbacks throwing to multiple 1st round receivers, could it? What did they beat us with? Reno Jesus and Spin Pass throwing to who exactly?
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Big 12 championship was a week after The Game. Absolutely possible for someone to have gone and scouted that ahead of time, especially being that TCU was ranked #2 at that time.

Clearly they worked to cover their bases with potential future opponents ( See, Georgia and B1G mid tier teams) it would be a huge oversight by them to have taken TCU for granted.

I'm not saying that couldn't have happened. But when you uncover massive cheating, people that devious tend to leave no stone unturned.
Could be. Scum also got taken that game, so I am going to side on that not much was able to be done prior to that game.

This year I bet they had people at UGA, AL, USC and others as the potential matchups went on.
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Big 12 championship was a week after The Game. Absolutely possible for someone to have gone and scouted that ahead of time, especially being that TCU was ranked #2 at that time.

Clearly they worked to cover their bases with potential future opponents ( See, Georgia and B1G mid tier teams) it would be a huge oversight by them to have taken TCU for granted.

I'm not saying that couldn't have happened. But when you uncover massive cheating, people that devious tend to leave no stone unturned.
It sounds like the schools all have record chains of who has purchased tickets, if it's done digitally. I'm guessing the 30 tickets at B1G venues is just evidence coming from within our conference. This is probably where the vast network line came from, and they already know who those tickets were transferred to.

And this is how they got footage of someone recording signals.

I'm sure other schools are combing through their own records now that they know what to look for.
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