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2020 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Surrender Cobras (Confirmed COWARDS!)

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Take away the money factor, I think the idea that Franklin is on anything resembling a hot seat right now is just not accurate. Coming into this season, over the last four years he's gone 42-11, 28-8 vs B1G, has had three top ten finishes in the AP and gone 2-2 in Bowls with wins in the Cotton just last season and the Fiesta.

He's even done pretty well against ranked opponents and had some success against rivals tOSU and scUM. Plus, he's recruited pretty well. That's not elite©, but it's still pretty damn good and makes writing this season off as an aberration reasonable. Contrast that record with the Harbrau, who has been underachieving for several years and they're two very different situations.
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Just sayin': I'm guessing that Dylan McCaffrey decided to transfer because he got beat out of the QB1 position by Joe Milton. It's obvious Milton sucks and McCaffrey is still in school at scUM. If McCaffery hasn't totally "burnt his bridges" at scUM to a point of no return and Harbaugh isn't fired during or at the end of this season; it really wouldn't surprise me to see McCaffrey being the starting QB at scUM next season. Then again maybe his chances of starting next year at scUM might be better if Harbaugh is fired.

2017: Redshirt
2018: Played
2019: Played
2020: opted out

I'm not sure if he would get 1 or 2 more years; however, I'm guessing 1. Regardless I'm sure he realizes that he doesn't have an NFL career in his future and probably doesn't want to be an undergraduate for 6 years; and would like to just be QB1 for at least one year somewhere. Anyway, the reason he is still in school at scUM is that he values his education and wants to graduate. If he's close to graduating and the scUM head coach gives him a line of shit that "he's sure he can win the starting QB job in 2021", it wouldn't surprise me to see him back on the scUM team (and possibly starting) in 2021.

The McCaffrey family is all about getting an education. Both parents went to Stanford, 2 older brothers went to Stanford and Duke; and other relatives went to Vanderbilt, Georgetown, Duke, and Virginia. His younger brother Luke must be the black sheep of the family he went to Corn.

Fuck him.
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Swayze Howell Sheen

September 17th, 2020 at 10:56 AM ^

OSU just got some bad news.

The news came in two pieces.

The first piece is this: JOE

The second piece is this: MILTON.

He was born to kill Buckeyes, and he is coming for them this fall.
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JJ McCarthy from La Grange Park, IL...though he's at IMG Academy this year.

I seem to remember him practically begging for a tOSU offer earlier in the process, but the staff took McCord instead. A couple weeks later, he commits to tsun. Anybody with a better recollection can correct me if I'm off.

They did offer pretty early, but they liked a couple others better like McCord and Drake Maye. After Maye committed to UNC, they showed him more attention but always had McCord higher. He said Coach Day & staff lied to him because they didn’t accept his commitment then turned around and accepted McCord’s commitment a few weeks later. Their fans ate it up. To them, it was a wildly absurd notion that Day had another QB higher on his board.
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They did offer pretty early, but they liked a couple others better like McCord and Drake Maye. After Maye committed to UNC, they showed him more attention but always had McCord higher. He said Coach Day & staff lied to him because they didn’t accept his commitment then turned around and accepted McCord’s commitment a few weeks later. Their fans ate it up. To them, it was a wildly absurd notion that Day had another QB higher on his board.
He might be a good QB. It's entirely possible that this one isn't going to turn out like all the others. But when you make a decision on where to spend 3-5 years of your life hoping to be taught by the best so you can go make life changing money....and you base that decision off spite like a girl who makes out with the redneck townie in the bar hoping to make someone else jealous....I'm not betting on it.
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