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2020 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Surrender Cobras (Confirmed COWARDS!)

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I liked this one:

November 16th, 2020 at 11:35 AM


I think the good folks at Cumberland College are definitely looking forward to our upcoming game with OSU and finally getting out of this unfortunate piece of football history.

I guess he’s assuming the Buckeyes won’t show mercy like Georgia Tech and only score 42 in the 4th quarter.
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The original post is one of the most reasoned and sensible things that I've ever read on there. It quickly goes downhill from there.

How do we replicate OSU's modern success?

"Quickly goes down hill from there" used to explain that jaw dropping display of idiocy is about the gentlest gentle euphemism one could use.

Holy shit. I knew they were a bunch of dumbasses but that's not even adult level conversation.
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Through 4 games scUM has scored less points and given up more points than Rutgers :lol: (For a fun note Ohio State has played 1 less game and has scored 34 more points than scUM)

Should be a "epic" game on Saturday. Especially considering the whole team appears to have given up on Harbaugh at this point.
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Through 4 games scUM has scored less points and given up more points than Rutgers :lol: (For a fun note Ohio State has played 1 less game and has scored 34 more points than scUM)

Should be a "epic" game on Saturday. Especially considering the whole team appears to have given up on Harbaugh at this point.

Now that we have on-site sports betting in Chicago, I might just go put some money on Rutgers with them getting 8.5 points.
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