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2020 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Surrender Cobras (Confirmed COWARDS!)

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Read that entire article if you want to keep the LULZ rolling.



Hot titilly Ho bags, this is even better, because with this overinflated opinion of themselves, they are obviously blaming each other (ie the secondary) in the locker room. No wonder this team looked like they gave up on defense 10 minutes in.
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At this point I can't tell if the players are actually bad, or bad just because of horrible coaching.

I actually kind of feel bad for the players (I still want them to lose), because they are obviously not being coached well, and the schemes are glaringly terrible. Parents trust their kids to these bozos.

They knew who Harbaugh was and chose him.
No mercy.

With the loss to Wisconsin, scUM falls to 4th place in all-time win percentage:

1Ohio State92732653.7301
2Notre Dame91632742.7292
scUM began the 2019 season in first place in win percentage (.7295).

I like that we're the only one to actually pass their #. They fell under the other 3.
Just sayin': You can never really predict what a 17, 18, or 19 year old will do; however, this (below) just doesn't sound like a kid that would "cut bait and run" from his commitment to scUM. Especially since now since, if a year in Ann Arbor doesn't live up to his expectations, under the new NCAA rule he could get a free transfer without setting out a year.

How J.J. McCarthy pitches recruits to attend Michigan

September 4, 2020

So, we asked McCarthy — especially now that he’s surrounded by future Power Five elite players at IMG Academy — what does he say to a recruit that’s only considering a top school in the SEC or ACC? What’s his pitch to a top-rated player who hasn’t been looking at Michigan?

We have to say, it’s pretty convincing.

“Honestly, when I try to recruit kids to Michigan, ask me any scenario, I’ll tell you why Michigan is a good fit for it,” McCarthy told WolverinesWire. “Like, if you ask me, ‘How’s the education?’ ‘It’s one of the best in the world.’ ‘How’s the strength and conditioning?’ ‘We have one of the best strength coaches in the world.’ And the biggest questions that I get when I ask these recruits: ‘What about beating Ohio State and stuff like that?’ It’s like, ‘Good. Good that we’re gonna have the opportunity to be the ones that beat them and be the one to be a part of that opportunity to ignite a fanbase that will love you and cherish you for decades.’ When we do get over this hump – this year was a great year, next year is gonna be better. We just have such an opportunity in front of us, and a lot of kids don’t realize that.

“Michigan, hands down, has proven over and over again: Top 5 public university in the country. You add that with the football tradition that it has and the winningest program of all-time – and people ask about the cold? Well, if you’re gonna go the NFL, you’re gonna play in the cold. Might as well get used to it. What can you not possibly like about Michigan? It has everything – you might not like it sometimes, but it’s the best for you. Best for any athlete or any human that’s just trying to strive to be the best that they can be.

“That’s pretty much the pitch I would give to them and it’s one of those pitches – ask me anything. Everything Michigan has is in your favor.”

Entire article: https://wolverineswire.usatoday.com/2020/09/04/jj-mccarthy-michigan-football-recruiting-pitch/

When illusions shatter, it's usually fast and ugly.
Harbaugh isn't going to beat Ohio State.
How much do academic rankings matter for a 4yr degree? They don't. At Ivy/Private, it's the connections to the Big Club (as Carlin called it) that makes a difference.
Are you getting the benefits of that degree when every P5 football program limits the subjects players can take? GenEd, Economy, Communications, Kinesiology, Golf Course Management ... sorry, the Uni rankings are meaningless.

Life comes at you fast.

contrasted with

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