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2020 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Surrender Cobras (Confirmed COWARDS!)

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I forgot about this gem....

Cam McGrone isn't afraid to make headlines, because he isn't scared of scrutiny. He says what's on his mind, because he believes he'll back it up. Like last season, when he declared a week after Michigan's humbling loss to Wisconsin, "I know when we see them again, we’re going to smack them in the mouth."
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I'm from Ytown.... We tend to stick together. Zordich is a Youngstown guy.... and it's hard to see one of our own do such a shitty job. But it is what it is.

Pelini isn't doing so hot.

Which sucks.... because I now see that the hard nosed brand of Youngstown football is gone.

I'm just verklempt....speak amongst yourselves.

Is it time to admit that Ohio as a high school hotbed over?? I think it may be.
Dude what are you talking about?
I guess Joe Burrow, Sean Clifford, Jackson Carman, Jerome Baker, Denzel Ward, Malik Harrison and Marshon Lattimore are nothing...
Doesn't sound like you follow recruiting
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I forgot about this gem....

Mr. McGroin's numbers this season: 25 tackles, 2 TFL, 0.5 sacks.

There are rumors on social media that JJ McCarthy will be decommitting. He has removed any reference to scUM in his social media account(s). I guess JJ's not "holding the rope" or "not all in" or whatever the fuck these neanderthals use as their phrase gimmick.
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"It can only be those three things: what you're doing, how you're doing it, who's doing it," the sixth-year Michigan coach said. "We've got to look at all those things right now. Right now, I'd say all three need to be addressed."

So five years and four games in, the only pieces to the puzzle they are missing are: coaching, execution, and talent. Lock this genius up with lifetime contract already.
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McGrone talks the way he plays,


Read that entire article if you want to keep the LULZ rolling.

It was Ross who said it first: Michigan has the best two linebackers in the country.

"I totally agree with that statement," McGrone said Thursday. "I feel like we have the best combination of speed and physicality."


"I’m just scared for everybody else, honestly. I’m scared."

There was that grin again. McGrone knew what he had said. In fact, he said it twice for good measure. He's a reflection of his defensive coordinator, who burns to play man-on-man, me versus you. And he's a reflection of his head coach, whose old mantra was as crazy and as confident as it gets: Who's got it better than us?


"In terms of just practice right now and what we’ve been doing this summer, I definitely feel like it’s one of our fastest defenses," he said. "Just being out there, playing and running around, I feel like we’re faster than the years before."

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