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2020 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Surrender Cobras (Confirmed COWARDS!)

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At this point I can't tell if the players are actually bad, or bad just because of horrible coaching.

I actually kind of feel bad for the players (I still want them to lose), because they are obviously not being coached well, and the schemes are glaringly terrible. Parents trust their kids to these bozos.
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Honestly... I think Harbaugh is going to get one more year because 2020 has been one giant cluster fuck anyways. Nobody is playing at the top of their game, and I think Meatchicken will give him at least that benefit.

If he doesn't finish strong next year, its definitely gonzo.

I think though if he stays there is no way they will allow Brown to remain DC.
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At this point I can't tell if the players are actually bad, or bad just because of horrible coaching.
They’re not very good, but they’re not this bad. What you’re seeing is a team that has quit, a coach that has lost his team. Same thing happened in 2010 under dickrod and in 2014 under Hoke...except those teams still managed to win a few games and never looked quite this incompetent.

It all goes back to their 2017 recruiting class. That was Simple Jim’s highest rated class and was supposed to be the one that propelled them to greatness. Most of that class transferred, already left for the nfl or have just been busts. Their 2018 class was a disaster. Those two classes make up what should be the core of this team and they aren’t good.

the ship is sinking...rapidly.
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They’re not very good, but they’re not this bad. What you’re seeing is a team that has quit, a coach that has lost his team. Same thing happened in 2010 under dickrod and in 2014 under Hoke...except those teams still managed to win a few games and never looked quite this incompetent.

It all goes back to their 2017 recruiting class. That was Simple Jim’s highest rated class and was supposed to be the one that propelled them to greatness. Most of that class transferred, already left for the nfl or have just been busts. Their 2018 class was a disaster. Those two classes make up what should be the core of this team and they aren’t good.

the ship is sinking...rapidly.

Lucky for them that rescue convoy of 3 star New England prep school talent is on the way
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They’re not very good, but they’re not this bad. What you’re seeing is a team that has quit, a coach that has lost his team. Same thing happened in 2010 under dickrod and in 2014 under Hoke...except those teams still managed to win a few games and never looked quite this incompetent.

It all goes back to their 2017 recruiting class. That was Simple Jim’s highest rated class and was supposed to be the one that propelled them to greatness. Most of that class transferred, already left for the nfl or have just been busts. Their 2018 class was a disaster. Those two classes make up what should be the core of this team and they aren’t good.

the ship is sinking...rapidly.

I'm from Ytown.... We tend to stick together. Zordich is a Youngstown guy.... and it's hard to see one of our own do such a shitty job. But it is what it is.

Pelini isn't doing so hot.

Which sucks.... because I now see that the hard nosed brand of Youngstown football is gone.

I'm just verklempt....speak amongst yourselves.

Is it time to admit that Ohio as a high school hotbed over?? I think it may be.
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I’d be absolutely outraged as a fan. They’re just a fucking laughingstock at this point — which is amazing and I don’t ever want it to stop; however, this has gotten to RichRod level bad. Again, amazing and I don’t want it to stop.

If I’m being fair ( I don’t want to be because fuck these cock sucking pieces of shit) I don’t feel like the their talent level matches this outcome. They have legit athleticism and players at several spots and for this output to be produced it just seems looks the players have finally had enough. I don’t recall the game passing a coach this profoundly since like Mike Shanahan
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I'm from Ytown.... We tend to stick together. Zordich is a Youngstown guy.... and it's hard to see one of our own do such a shitty job. But it is what it is.

Pelini isn't doing so hot.

Which sucks.... because I now see that the hard nosed brand of Youngstown football is gone.

I'm just verklempt....speak amongst yourselves.

Is it time to admit that Ohio as a high school hotbed over?? I think it may be.

da fuq does this have to do with scUM sucking donkey balls??
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They’re not very good, but they’re not this bad. What you’re seeing is a team that has quit, a coach that has lost his team. Same thing happened in 2010 under dickrod and in 2014 under Hoke...except those teams still managed to win a few games and never looked quite this incompetent.

It all goes back to their 2017 recruiting class. That was Simple Jim’s highest rated class and was supposed to be the one that propelled them to greatness. Most of that class transferred, already left for the nfl or have just been busts. Their 2018 class was a disaster. Those two classes make up what should be the core of this team and they aren’t good.

the ship is sinking...rapidly.

keep it afloat long enough for OSU to throw 100 torpedos into it on 12/12
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