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2020 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Surrender Cobras (Confirmed COWARDS!)

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And now they are using the COVID-19 pandemic to blow smoke up their collective asses about bagmen and the economy around college football


This gem from member NFG:
I wouldn’t be surprised to see a tendency for the class of 2020 and 2021 to have more high school prospects commit to instate or relative close schools geographically speaking, than ever before.
First, the 2020 is done with, Einstein. Second, 10 of our 17 commits are from out of state--with two from west of the Mississippi--and we are crystal-balled for two Top-10 players from the state of Washington, so kids are going to go to where their going to go.
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This gem from member NFG:

First, the 2020 is done with, Einstein. Second, 10 of our 17 commits are from out of state--with two from west of the Mississippi--and we are crystal-balled for two Top-10 players from the state of Washington, so kids are going to go to where their going to go.
NFG = Never Followed Geography
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This guy HAS TO BE a long term plant...

blowgoo said:
Another point:

Effect of VIRTUAL CLASSROOMS. It has been suggested that some student athletes are attracted to programs in which they don't have to physically attend, so they can "meet" academic requirements without ever having to set foot on campus, in an atmosphere that makes cheating easy.

University of Michigan has been a standout among many programs in having minimal online classes (until Covid-19 of course). Given it is likely to have to maintain online classes, perhaps even adopt them permanently, is there a significant effect there as well, regarding levelling the playing field (whether anyone likes it or not)?
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It's impossible to tell if somebody is a long troll or regular member of the DFBIA...they're essentially a parody of themselves now.

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Do they genuinely think taking online classes make you instantly better at football?

No, at least I don't think so. They have swallowed the same bait the Penn State cult did and truly believe their football players are Ivy League caliber students.

They mention "online classes" in the context of believing that's why elite players choose to go to OSU vs tsun...i.e. they don't have to "play school"

Just a BWI like emotional last stand to convince themselves they really are better than everyone else and if the results don't show on the field it's because everyone else cheats and they don't.

Success with Honor....The self esteem Alamo..however you want to look at it.
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No, at least I don't think so. They have swallowed the same bait the Penn State cult did and truly believe their football players are Ivy League caliber students.

They mention "online classes" in the context of believing that's why elite players choose to go to OSU vs tsun...i.e. they don't have to "play school"

Just a BWI like emotional last stand to convince themselves they really are better than everyone else and if the results don't show on the field it's because everyone else cheats and they don't.

Success with Honor....The self esteem Alamo..however you want to look at it.
OK so the trick to getting Justin Fields (the only FB player I'm aware of who they've bitched about as taking online classes) was to get into his ear that he wouldn't have to play school here. He could take phony "classes" online, and then just focus strictly on football. Ignoring everything we know about Justin Fields the person outside of football from things like QB1.......that explains the last 19 years?

Well what do we do now that they've cracked the code?
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OK so the trick to getting Justin Fields (the only FB player I'm aware of who they've bitched about as taking online classes) was to get into his ear that he wouldn't have to play school here. He could take phony "classes" online, and then just focus strictly on football. Ignoring everything we know about Justin Fields the person outside of football from things like QB1.......that explains the last 19 years?

Well what do we do now that they've cracked the code?
Shea Patterson, a similarly ranked QB prospect, just transferred to their school from Ole Miss, an exemplary pillar of academic rigor and NCAA compliance known throughout the country.
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