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2020 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Surrender Cobras (Confirmed COWARDS!)

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They had two decent recruiters on their staff and they both left after last season. You’re seeing the results in their 2021 class. I’ll be surprised if Jimbo is there after another 2 seasons, and they’ll be blaming him for leaving an “empty cupboard” for the next hump they hire.

The next hump? Damn, he’s cleaning ‘em out for himself.
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They had two decent recruiters on their staff and they both left after last season. You’re seeing the results in their 2021 class. I’ll be surprised if Jimbo is there after another 2 seasons, and they’ll be blaming him for leaving an “empty cupboard” for the next hump they hire.

and for once, they wouldn't be wrong
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Shea Patterson was the No. 4 ranked recruit out of high school. Donovan Peoples-Jones was No. 12. One was a sixth round pick and the other went undrafted.

He has it all backwards. The fact that these highly ranked recruits failed is evidence that all of our highly ranked recruits do not create a talent gap.
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Do you think the HCs at places like IMG and Cass Tech start to tell their players to avoid places like TSUN? I am talking about the top rated recruits like DPJ? Shea made a detour before becoming one of them.

Maybe a topic for the recruiting discussion but what I think is happening is that a handful of top college programs are becoming the "IMG of CFB" so to speak. Just like in HS, a lot of the top end kids want to go to a place that will take them to the next level athletically while preparing them for real life if it doesn't work out.

Sure there are other ways to get to that next level, not all IMG kids are college studs and some local HS unknown can develop into a college stud but by and large, imo, the next level talent (high 4 star and 5 star types) are going to be looking at the OSU/Clemson/Bama/LSU group of schools in a different light than other colleges just like the most talented kids often end up at private schools all over the country in HS.

All that and online classes of course. Never underestimate their power.
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Do you think the HCs at places like IMG and Cass Tech start to tell their players to avoid places like TSUN? I am talking about the top rated recruits like DPJ?
There's no way that any high school coach (regardless of alma mater) from any high school (wherever located) could, in good conscience, tell a star recruit that Michigan provides a better opportunity than Ohio State (or Clemson, Alabama, Georgia, Oklahoma, LSU). Or even an equal opportunity. For any position.

Michigan simply does not do a good job of developing any particular position for the NFL, and they positively suck for certain positions such as running back, wide receiver, and (believe it or not) quarterback.

And they don't win big games, so that eliminates the whole "rah rah" element of playing college football. I mean, who wants to have 0-5 in The Game on his résumé? Hearing "O-H!" chants in a half-empty Pig House? And a season-ending loss in a meaningless bowl game every year?

And academics? Please! For football players, the academics are the same at Michigan as any other FBS program (service academies excluded).

Now would a loyal Michigan Man high school coach from a traditional scUM feeder school actively tell recruits to avoid Ann Arbor? Would he go that far and risk permanently damaging his relationship with The Leaders and The Best? I don't know, but he really should.
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Michigan simply does not do a good job of developing any particular position for the NFL, and they positively suck for certain positions such as running back, wide receiver, and (believe it or not) quarterback.
The briefest of glances at their coaching staff is all the explanation you need for this phenomenon.

If you want to look long term, the Hayes/Bruce coaching tree has been exponentially better than Schembechler’s... and it’s getting to the point of absurdity.

Who does Michigan even have to look at after Harbaugh? No one worth a damn wants to coach with him, which means it’s very unlikely anyone worth a damn is going to appear to take the reins whenever Harbaugh is gone.

And their culture (and two decades of failure) prevents anyone outside from wanting anything to do with the place as long as there are marginally comparable opportunities available.

It’s not a stepping stone position, it’s a career ender for coaches with too high of expectations and too little chance of success to be appealing (see: Rodriguez, Hoke).

Meanwhile, Tressel and Meyer both started with Bruce in the 80s, and Tressel has given us at least one promising future prospect in Fickell while the Meyer/Day branch looks to reap coaching dividends for a long time.

You could write a book about all the things going wrong with ttun, but coaching tree, both right now with no one wanting to be around Harbaugh and going back decades would be a chapter in that book.

Edit: also, hat tip to Day for walking in and taking two of their best coaches right out from under Harbaugh - that was really a knife in the kidney to start off the new chapter in the rivalry.
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Edit: also, hat tip to Day for walking in and taking two of their best coaches right out from under Harbaugh - that was really a knife in the kidney to start off the new chapter in the rivalry.

Ryan Day December of 2018

Ryan Day a couple of months later

Ryan Day in November of 2019
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