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2020 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Surrender Cobras (Confirmed COWARDS!)

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WTF stat of the day:

With 5 picks taken in round 6, here's the total for these schools so far:

10 - TTUN
09 - Alabama
08 - tOSU

LSU has the most so far, but this makes Harbaugh's coaching ability look pretty bad.
There is always a glass half full/half empty perspective to the draft.

One way is to look at all the great talent that has moved on.

7 players drafted off the D - lots of spots to fill but every starter we lost was drafted.

The other is to look at all you accomplished and how much talent we kept.

Only 3 of 6 starters drafted from the O (the other 3 have already signed as UFAs), but other than Running Back we look to be stronger at every position.

For Michigan on the other hand, 80% of their OL was drafted. So how the hell do you have an NFL line and your skill players fare so poorly in the draft? And what are they going to do for a line in 2020 - because unlike OSU they do not have FIVE (I counted) 5 star athletes on the OL. In fact, they do not have a single OL who was rated in the top 100 for the year they were recruited on their roster.
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Just a follow up on the "talent left behind" of OSU vs Michigan and how that is likely to be reflected in future drafts.

Below are the five players I can find on the UM roster who were rated in the top 100. I have also indicated how many OSU players would fit on this list and where.

5 OSU players
Hill - #14
6 OSU players
Hinton #31
7 OSU players
Charbonnet #46
2 OSU players
Vialin #57
6 OSU players
Thomas C#90
2 more OSU players within the top 100

And if you are following along with the math, that is 28 OSU players on this season's roster who were rated in the top 100.
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We have online classes for gods sake

what do you expect?

I'm curious if they're still crying about online classes with current events... or if that's been swept under the carpet like Harbaugh's remarks about Kinesiology when he was at Stanford.
Just wait until they tap into the hidden pipeline of Delaware

They can fight Delaware State.
Didn't one of their coaches or players go there way back, thus the winged helmets and disgusting colors?
Would be full circle to be recruiting the same dudes.

3Star Arbor adds another resident:


#44 CB, #580 overall in the 247 Composite.

From the Ministry of Excuses:

DFBIA saying DFBIA stuff:

View attachment 25464

He has offers from Ohio State, BC, and ... wait.. Texas got Chris Ash? Well this train of thought went horribly wrong. Herman still living on 2014.
And even those schools hold their football players to nowhere near the admissions standards of the regular student body. The Northwestern QB during their unionization battle flat out stated that the only reason he could get into NU was due to being a football player. When Josh Rosen made some comments about football player admission standards, there was a list floating around of average football player SAT scores at the PAC schools. Stanford was the highest at somewhere in the 1050 range, which placed their average football player SAT score at just about 300 points lower than that of an average freshman.......at Ohio State. This notion that tsun is somehow hindered in recruiting by admission standards is a complete and utter myth and just further evidence of tdfbia's inherent ability to make excuses.

They also aren't allowed to pick their majors at Northwestern. Obviously the case everywhere... Kinesiology, Communications, Golf Course management ... UNC straight up having fake classes.
Krenzel must have pulled some strings to get into the Genetics major.
Cruising their board I am also struck by the revisionist history of the 90's.

Apparently the roles were completely reversed, they were utterly dominant and competing for NC's every year while OSU was a second tier program.

I somehow recall tsun losing their mandated 3-4 games a year and pulling off big upsets in The Game during the '90's to keep 3-4 losses from being 4 or 5 a year.

Anyone else remember the '90's like they do? Or do they mean the 1890's??? That might explain it.

They were strong in early part of the decade - before Cooper warmed up.
From 93 to 97, 5 different schools were champions. Including one each for us and them.
98-01, again saw 4 different schools as champions. Including one for us, and none for them.
After 90-92, they frequently finished 3rd-5th.
97 being the lone exception.
But they probably forgot everything after 92, with the exception of their 0.5 title... and therefore believe it was a really good decade.
To be fair, it probably was their best decade since the wartime years (and immediate aftermath), when they benefited tremendously as one of the only Navy Officer programs available.
After all, Bo never won 1/2 a title.
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I'm curious if they're still crying about online classes with current events... or if that's been swept under the carpet like Harbaugh's remarks about Kinesiology when he was at Stanford.

They can fight Delaware State.
Didn't one of their coaches or players go there way back, thus the winged helmets and disgusting colors?
Would be full circle to be recruiting the same dudes.

He has offers from Ohio State, BC, and ... wait.. Texas got Chris Ash? Well this train of thought went horribly wrong. Herman still living on 2014.

They also aren't allowed to pick their majors at Northwestern. Obviously the case everywhere... Kinesiology, Communications, Golf Course management ... UNC straight up having fake classes.
Krenzel must have pulled some strings to get into the Genetics major.

They were strong in early part of the decade - before Cooper warmed up.
From 93 to 97, 5 different schools were champions. Including one each for us and them.
98-01, again saw 4 different schools as champions. Including one for us, and none for them.
After 90-92, they frequently finished 3rd-5th.
97 being the lone exception.
But they probably forgot everything after 92, with the exception of their 0.5 title... and therefore believe it was a really good decade.
To be fair, it probably was their best decade since the wartime years (and immediate aftermath), when they benefited tremendously as one of the only Navy Officer programs available.
After all, Bo never won 1/2 a title.
Fritz Crisler did the winged helmets at Princeton (orange and black) in 1935 and started them at TTUN in 1938. The Delaware Blue Hens started using a helmet that has similar colors in 1950, when David Nelson, a former TTUN player under Crisler, became the Delaware head coach.
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Noticed some small schools getting picks - Charleston, Lenoir - Rhyne, Louisiana, but if someone from the MAC got picked, I missed it. So maybe Michigan's newfound love of 2 and 3 stars has striped that conference of its potential draft picks. Just sayin'...
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For Michigan on the other hand, 80% of their OL was drafted. So how the hell do you have an NFL line and your skill players fare so poorly in the draft? And what are they going to do for a line in 2020 - because unlike OSU they do not have FIVE (I counted) 5 star athletes on the OL. In fact, they do not have a single OL who was rated in the top 100 for the year they were recruited on their roster.

I believe we told them to expect something along those lines with Warriner, no?

Great position coach. Not so great recruiter.
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Which hurts a lot more when you don’t have other recruiters on the staff saving your ass by stepping in and helping from time to time.
They had two decent recruiters on their staff and they both left after last season. You’re seeing the results in their 2021 class. I’ll be surprised if Jimbo is there after another 2 seasons, and they’ll be blaming him for leaving an “empty cupboard” for the next hump they hire.
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Surprised at the lack of DFBIA uproar yet about them have the same amount of players drafted as Ohio State means that the "talent gap isnt that wide"

Players taken in the top 100

Ohio State 7
scUM 2

I guess if being a 5th-7th round draft pick factory is your pinnacle......
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