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2020 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Surrender Cobras (Confirmed COWARDS!)

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Of course the Browns had to do this. Of course.
Only saving grace... it's just a 6th round and maybe he can still be coached.
But i fear players who find Harbaugh appealing just fundamentally have something wrong with them.
Oh well, it's a wasted pick like Corey Coleman. But that's what you do with 6th rounders....roll the dice.
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Of course the Browns had to do this. Of course.
Only saving grace... it's just a 6th round and maybe he can still be coached.
Saving grace ... meaning better than Braylon Edwards, Kellen Winslow Jr., Jabrill Peppers, Baker Mayfield....

It's almost like the Browns do everything possible to alienate Buckeye fans.
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