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2020 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Surrender Cobras (Confirmed COWARDS!)

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Not sure if this has been posted, but Truckstop Fabio has a.....well, I'm not quite sure what the fuck it is.

Yep. Ones with titles like Pass The Twinkie and The Manhole Repairman.

You forgot the one he will win an award for.

"The Wrong Side of a Truck Stop Glory Hole"
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No one on earth dislikes John Cooper more than I do but he accomplished significantly more than Jimmy has.

Earl was 5-4 against tsun.

TSUN is having problems but they aren't the same ones OSU had under Earl and Coop. There was a 6-7 year window at the end of Earl's tenure and the beginning of Cooper's where OSU was a regional power at best (I'd put it at '86-'92). That is the closest thing OSU has ever seen to what's been going on in AA for the better part of the last 20 years.

Yea, this.
There were no rankings back then, but Cooper was an amazing recruiter.
It is actually criminal he didnt win anything with the talent disparity that he accrued every year. In a time when leaving early for NFL was rare and generally indicated an off field issue (still love you, Big Kat).
We didnt see that talent level again until Urban... Tressel delivered better results year after year with less.

Harbaugh is more Glen Mason than anything else.
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Among others 1994 Ohio State had Eddie George, Korey Stringer (RIP), Orlando Pace, Mike Vrabel, Terry Glenn, Joey Galloway, Shawn Springs, Ricky Dudley, Chris Sanders and lost four games.

Fuck John Cooper.
And one of those losses was by the score of 63 to 14.

But Coop did (somehow) beat scUM that year.
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