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2020 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Surrender Cobras (Confirmed COWARDS!)

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Dr. Jaws becomes self aware:

In reply to Dude-- I am the biggest UofM… by Butch-dontcall…


April 17th, 2020 at 2:03 PM ^

You people have no grasp on reality.

OSU is now, and has been, ahead of Michigan in virtually every single stat, including illegal tattoos, since WW2. They have gotten more of the top players almost every year since WW2, which has been proven by the fact that OSU has WAY more award winners (Heisman, Lombardi, Doak Walker etc), almost 50% more B1G titles than Michigan, WAY more national titles. OSU is a bigger School and bigger state and have been a better program for 85% of the time between the end of WW2 and now.

He’s right in that OSU is killing it in recruiting. But they always have. The stupidity is looking at OSU and thinking M should be on that level. They have never been on OSU level historically, aren’t now, and won’t be in the future. That’s 3/4 of the awesomeness when Michigan beats those shit stains.

The only difference between 2005-now and 1955-2005 is the bad losing streak. Getting out-recruited is nothing new. Getting outplayed is nothing new. Having less wins and less titles is nothing new. It hasn’t been anything new for 65+ years.
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Below is the link to MgoBlog discussing their latest recruit. Why would we want them to give up the sport when we can have this? Giving up the sport is just nothingness. There is real pain here. They are in hell.

Yea, man...this shit is erotic.

Screenshot 2020-04-17 at 4.10.49 PM.png
Screenshot 2020-04-17 at 4.14.31 PM.png
Screenshot 2020-04-17 at 4.16.31 PM.png
Screenshot 2020-04-17 at 4.18.11 PM.png

Harmon1, definitely a cloaker.

*fap, fap, fap*
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One poster was clinging to the possibility of us being derailed by a remote learning scandal :rofl: Do these morons still not understand the entire country is taking online classes?

No they dont.
Im supporting labs from my house... students programming microcontrollers to spin dc motors from around the country.
I have a nerf gun on a turret that we hacked and put on Alexa. Still working on how they'll do opencv to do the image processing (maybe need to add a raspi ?)
These idiots are stuck in 1972.
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Below is the link to MgoBlog discussing their latest recruit. Why would we want them to give up the sport when we can have this? Giving up the sport is just nothingness. There is real pain here. They are in hell.


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It's almost as though when Ryan Day took over they momentarily felt a pleasurable tingling in the base of their nuts only to look down and see that it was being caused by the initial contact of a steel-toed boot about to be driven home. And Day is not only turning out to be a cutting edge gameday coach and a recruiting machine, but he's a dead-eyed, coldhearted, ruthless motherfucker. If there's any time to avenge 86-0, it's going to be Ryan Day that rams that plunger home.
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