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2020 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Surrender Cobras (Confirmed COWARDS!)

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From Mike's link:


April 14th, 2020 at 11:24 AM ^

I think it's a little deeper than that. If you grow up in a family that loves MSU and hates Michigan, going to Notre Dame or Ohio State might be a more palatable option than picking U of M.

I've never met or heard of someone who likes Cincinnati and hates OSU. I'm sure that person exists, but I'm also sure it's in a smaller number than what you see in Michigan between UM/MSU.

P.S. Imagine no MSU existed, and "the place to be" in Michigan was the University of Michigan. There would be no "Michigan State legacies" who weren't an option at all. There would be no allegiances to any other P5 university, only MAC programs. There are people like Cody White, Malik McDowell, the Bullough brothers, Kenny Willekes, Tyriq Thompson, Antjuan Simmons, who would find their way to Michigan's campus in some way, shape, or form (scholarship, grayshirt, walk-on, etc.).

The bold.... lol

Yea... there's also people like the Borens who, despite being legacies, run away from you like the plague.
Wonder why that is. :lift:
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View attachment 25299

Yep, keep "trusting the coaches" en route to 4 and 5 loss seasons while staring down the barrel of your 16th straight season without a conference championship. But, hey, you do have that division "co-championship"! :lol:

Am I the only one getting Dave Petersen (PSU dreads guy) vibes from the Brandywine kid?
UM culture doesn't match the locality in Michigan? "wholesome" Midwest ?

What a long-winded way of saying rich white kids are morally superior to poor black kids. What a piece of shit

OK... so I'm not the only one.
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Sure, that comment is offensive, but it's also wrong.

Steve Wiltfong, National Director of Recruiting for 247, has been very complimentary of Ohio State's culture, comparing it favorably to Notre Dame and Stanford. Matty Dudek can spout shit about their players being "good enough to play in the SEC, smart enough to go to the Ivy League", but Ohio State is the school that's actually signing that kind of player (Jordan Fuller, Justin Fields, Harry Miller, Zach Harrison, Garrett Wilson, Paris Johnson, Kourt Williams, etc.).
There you go again, confusing the argument with fax and evidents.
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Yes, App. State was in the midst of a three-year run as FCS champions. That didn’t stop the oddsmakers from making ASU 33(ish)-point underdogs for their game against No. 5 Michigan in the Big House that September afternoon — especially as said oddsmakers were armed with the knowledge that no FCS had ever beaten an FBS team ranked in the Top 25.

Playing for 60 minutes and using less than 30 players — UM had 85 scholarship players at its disposal — playing in the Big House against both the iconic Maize & Blue and their 100,000-plus fans, the five-touchdown underdog from Boone, NC (pop. 17,000), did the seemingly impossible: they knocked off the winningest program in football history. A field goal gave the Mountaineers, who held a two-touchdown lead in the first half, a 34-32 lead with under 30 seconds left; the block of the Wolverines’ game-winning field-goal attempt as time expired gave the FCS program the most stunning upset in the history of the sport.
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Good luck winning with Trevor, Biff and Thurston Howell the 7th.


So, I'm guessing that the two Michigan Men in the back have had sex recently....with each other. The one up front wearing his Block M sweater is, however, straight. At the moment, he's deeply worried that the sorority girl he chopped up isn't buried deeply enough though.
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Yes, App. State was in the midst of a three-year run as FCS champions. That didn’t stop the oddsmakers from making ASU 33(ish)-point underdogs for their game against No. 5 Michigan in the Big House that September afternoon — especially as said oddsmakers were armed with the knowledge that no FCS had ever beaten an FBS team ranked in the Top 25.

Playing for 60 minutes and using less than 30 players — UM had 85 scholarship players at its disposal — playing in the Big House against both the iconic Maize & Blue and their 100,000-plus fans, the five-touchdown underdog from Boone, NC (pop. 17,000), did the seemingly impossible: they knocked off the winningest program in football history. A field goal gave the Mountaineers, who held a two-touchdown lead in the first half, a 34-32 lead with under 30 seconds left; the block of the Wolverines’ game-winning field-goal attempt as time expired gave the FCS program the most stunning upset in the history of the sport.


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DELUSION IS STRONG WITH THEM. I generally think it's unhealthy to ignore reality, but I'm perfectly fine with Michigan doing it, because it yields hilarious results, like this masterpiece of a Tweet from offensive coordinator Josh Gattis.

It's funny because Ohio State's scored on 17 of the last 23 drives and dropped more than 50 points on Don Brown's defense in consecutive years. We're getting to the point that if Michigan tried to fire him, I might try to crowdfund his salary to keep him around.

Anyway, turns out, the only thing softer than Gattis' football team is his skin.

To be fair, it was probably the right call. But I was just taken aback by what might be the most successful Michigan blocking attempt I've seen in quite some time.

Entire article: https://www.elevenwarriors.com/skul...ar-jackson-buckeyes-recruiting-clemson-top-10
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