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2020 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Surrender Cobras (Confirmed COWARDS!)

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While I always root for Ohio State in The Game, damn I almost kind of wish Michigan could at least make it semi-interesting.
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No they dont.
Im supporting labs from my house... students programming microcontrollers to spin dc motors from around the country.
I have a nerf gun on a turret that we hacked and put on Alexa. Still working on how they'll do opencv to do the image processing (maybe need to add a raspi ?)
These idiots are stuck in 1972.

I saw a story early on in this social isolation where the m*ch*gan board of ed said they weren't going to count the kids work from home as creditable school hours, meaning once they open back up, all those kids are still where they were when it started.


The whole state has its head up its ass.
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I saw a story early on in this social isolation where the m*ch*gan board of ed said they weren't going to count the kids work from home as creditable school hours, meaning once they open back up, all those kids are still where they were when it started.


The whole state has its head up its ass.

I mean, you can get a Masters from Michigan on a website they don't even control... but you can't graduate HS. Absurd. Is it only the water in Flint?
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While I always root for Ohio State in The Game, damn I almost kind of wish Michigan could at least make it semi-interesting. Pulling 3 stars out of New England is very Illinois-esque.

Why you motherf......

This might be my favorite from that thread.
7 years!??!
John Blutarsky in the house!!

View attachment 25336

Reminds me of Tommy Boy.

“Lots of people go to college for 7 years”

“Yeah they’re called doctors.”


You elitist pricks!
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Below is the link to MgoBlog discussing their latest recruit. Why would we want them to give up the sport when we can have this? Giving up the sport is just nothingness. There is real pain here. They are in hell.


Michigan is having the same problem the Buckeyes had with Earl and Coop, coaches who won enough to keep the bulk of the alums and fans happy, coming up with teams and players that looked like "maybe this year we turn it all around." Don't know exactly what happened with Earl other than it's never easy to replace a legend. In Coop's case, it was a disastrous bowl game and player behavior (even the captain and QB, Bellasari) combined with yet another loss to Michigan. I think he might have survived one more year with his head in the noose if it hadn't been for the complete break down of the team in the bowl game.
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Michigan is having the same problem the Buckeyes had with Earl and Coop, coaches who won enough to keep the bulk of the alums and fans happy, coming up with teams and players that looked like "maybe this year we turn it all around." Don't know exactly what happened with Earl other than it's never easy to replace a legend. In Coop's case, it was a disastrous bowl game and player behavior (even the captain and QB, Bellasari) combined with yet another loss to Michigan. I think he might have survived one more year with his head in the noose if it hadn't been for the complete break down of the team in the bowl game.

No one on earth dislikes John Cooper more than I do but he accomplished significantly more than Jimmy has.

Earl was 5-4 against tsun.

TSUN is having problems but they aren't the same ones OSU had under Earl and Coop. There was a 6-7 year window at the end of Earl's tenure and the beginning of Cooper's where OSU was a regional power at best (I'd put it at '86-'92). That is the closest thing OSU has ever seen to what's been going on in AA for the better part of the last 20 years.
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