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2018 NCAA Basketball Tournament Discussion (Official Thread)

I'm not one to say a team is mediocre simply because of their conference record ... but Kansas St is really mediocre. Whoever wins between them and Loyola will be the worst team to make a Final 4 that I have ever seen.

Loyola is 31-5. They have wins over Florida, Miami, Tennessee, and Nevada. They won the regular season and tournament championships in their conference. If they're the worst (potential) Final Four team you've ever seen you haven't been paying attention for long.
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Virginia became the first 1 seed to lose to a 16 seed, and did it in epic fashion by 20 points.
Cincinnati blew a 22 point lead with 11 minutes left.
Arizona got their doors blown off by Buffalo. BUFFALO!

And yet, the teams who have had the audacity to actually win their games are less deserving than those clowns? Okie-dokie. :roll1:
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Loyola is 31-5. They have wins over Florida, Miami, Tennessee, and Nevada. They won the regular season and tournament championships in their conference. If they're the worst (potential) Final Four team you've ever seen you haven't been paying attention for long.
No, sir. I pay attention every year for over 20 years. I honestly believe they are less talented than any team I have ever seen make it. I'm not saying they are a bad team, but why don't you look at the teams that have made the F4 the last 20 years and cite one in particular with less impressive talent. I don't think there is one.
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No it's because UCONN actually legitimately could have been one of the best teams because they ran a gauntlet including the Big East Tournament. Just like Michigan could be one of the best, however they won't get to prove it against any team worth a damn until the final. Kansas State and Florida State have no business competing for a championship after the regular seasons they had. At least Loyola had a good regular season they just didn't play anyone.

In other words, the names of the lower seeds influence your perceptions. Got it.

So what's your solution to this perceived problem? Only have regular season champions from "power conference" in the tournament? Only have regular season champions, and tournament champions (Virginia didn't win their conference tournament), of "power conferences" in the tournament? Scrap the tournament altogether?

You obviously don't like the other 250 or so schools having any say in the outcome, unless they just show up and be cannon fodder for the teams you feel "deserve" a shot at the title. When they have the gall to actually win a game (or more), you get "upset" about it.

Maybe we can get all of those mid-major pests to just drop basketball entirely? :lol:
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Leonard Hamilton has been upsetting teams in the tournament for a long time. Years ago he led Miami to an upset over Penn & Redd OSU in 2000. That was his 10th year at Miami, then he left for FSU and has been there ever since. I didn't realize he is getting up there in age, now at 69.
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No, sir. I pay attention every year for over 20 years. I honestly believe they are less talented than any team I have ever seen make it. I'm not saying they are a bad team, but why don't you look at the teams that have made the F4 the last 20 years and cite one in particular with less impressive talent. I don't think there is one.

2011 VCU. The Rams went 23-11 in the regular season. They finished 4th in the Colonial Athletic Association (strike one), two games behind mighty Hofstra. They also failed to win their conference tournament (strike two). Their best non-conference win in the regular season was against Wake Forest, who went 8-24 (strike three).

Compared to that resume', Loyola is a powerhouse this year.
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2011 VCU. The Rams went 23-11 in the regular season. They finished 4th in the Colonial Athletic Association (strike one), two games behind mighty Hofstra. They also failed to win their conference tournament (strike two). Their best non-conference win in the regular season was against Wake Forest, who went 8-24 (strike three).

Compared to that resume', Loyola is a powerhouse this year.

Disagree. I am looking at talent alone, not resume. That VCU team had a 4-star wing in Skeen who was as good as any wing most any team has in CBB - certainly more talented than Loyola's best wing. Rodriguez was a stud PG, very quick and skilled floor general. Burgess and others shot the 3 well and brought length, athleticism and strong D on the perimeter, and they had some really big, strong posts Reddick and Haley. It was a nearly perfectly assembled college team. I do not think it is particularly close talent-wise between these teams, especially if you look at defensive ability.
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Worst part about FSU is that they played out of their minds against Xavier and Zaga......which means chances are they crap their pants against scUM. On the flip side though scUM cant possibly go 10/16 from 3 in the 1sr half again, right?.....at least we can hope.

Villanova asserting dominance amd wiping the floor with what remains of the field is the outcome im rooting for now.
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So Michigan is assured of playing no higher than a 9 seed until the final. Fuck me.
What a crazy year. Kansas State is even weirder in a way...I wonder if any team has ever won a regional and made a Final 4 by a) not being a top 4 seed, and b) not playing a top 4 seed. I can’t imagine that would have ever happened before, yet if they beat Loyola, they make the Final 4 having only played a 5.
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