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2018 NCAA Basketball Tournament Discussion (Official Thread)

Hope everyone enjoyed the upsets, TTUN is walking into the championship game

For the love of all things holy, please stop whining about upsets. :slappy:

Is this your first tournament? Upsets happen. Oh, and who we root for doesn't change the results of games. So do yourself (and everyone else) a favor and petition the NCAA for the AP voters to crown a national champion so we can avoid all of these games where sometimes lower seeds beat higher seeds.

But I beg you, resist the urge to fire off 100 more posts about upsets pissing on your tournament cornflakes. We get it. Good grief. :lol:
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Absolutely, would be awesome to see a team that dominated in the regular season and won their conference play one of the other hottest teams in America that won a conference tournament. Now we are stuck with a stinker with teams that don't really deserve to be there

Unfortunately, the team "that dominated in the regular season" shit the bed and scored 54 points against UMBC. Whose fault is that?

Let's just take a vote at the end of the season and crown a champion. Fuck this tournament bullshit. :lol:
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Absolutely, would be awesome to see a team that dominated in the regular season and won their conference play one of the other hottest teams in America that won a conference tournament.
were you asleep the first weekend? you do know that virginia was absolutely obliterated by a 16-seed, don't you?

Now we are stuck with a stinker with teams that don't really deserve to be there
yep... the team that lost by 20 points to a 16-seed "deserves" to be there. and the team that beat a 1-seed by 5 and a 4-seed by 15 doesn't.

you really are the this board's whiniest poster. :lol:
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My hypothesis for the upsets: over officiating has eliminated any opportunity for dominant post players. The game is now about 3 point shooting and who can survive foul trouble. The random results are from teams being scorching hot from 3 one day and then ice cold the next. Also allows mid majors who don't have the size to be more competitive.
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were you asleep the first weekend? you do know that virginia was absolutely obliterated by a 16-seed, don't you?

yep... the team that lost by 20 points to a 16-seed "deserves" to be there. and the team that beat a 1-seed by 5 and a 4-seed by 15 doesn't.

you really are the this board's whiniest poster. :lol:
Yea they aren't one of the best teams in the country cause some school got hot from 3 one night
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My hypothesis for the upsets: over officiating has eliminated any opportunity for dominant post players. The game is now about 3 point shooting and who can survive foul trouble. The random results are from teams being scorching hot from 3 one day and then ice cold the next. Also allows mid majors who don't have the size to be more competitive.

And yet, no matter how much you complain you're not entirely against upsets unless you were rooting for Gonzaga against Ohio State.

As for your hypothesis...so what? in 2014, a 7 seed beat an 8 seed in the title game. It happens. I'm guessing since their names were "Connecticut" and "Kentucky" it didn't feel so undeserving to you, but it's only a guess because I don't recall anyone throwing a fit in this thread about upsets until this year.
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And yet, no matter how much you complain you're not entirely against upsets unless you were rooting for Gonzaga against Ohio State.

As for your hypothesis...so what? in 2014, a 7 seed beat an 8 seed in the title game. It happens. I'm guessing since their names were "Connecticut" and "Kentucky" it didn't feel so undeserving to you, but it's only a guess because I don't recall anyone throwing a fit in this thread about upsets until this year.
No it's because UCONN actually legitimately could have been one of the best teams because they ran a gauntlet including the Big East Tournament. Just like Michigan could be one of the best, however they won't get to prove it against any team worth a damn until the final. Kansas State and Florida State have no business competing for a championship after the regular seasons they had. At least Loyola had a good regular season they just didn't play anyone.
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