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2018 NCAA Basketball Tournament Discussion (Official Thread)

Why did Illinois fire Bruce Webber again?
He wasn't a very good coach. Illinois was going nowhere under Weber, and he hasn't really won anything at Kansas St. He lucked into a deep tourney run this year in the weakest Sweet 16 for any region ever, and he didn't have to beat anybody to get to the Sweet 16. In hindsight, they got an extraordinarily easy regional draw for a 9 seed.
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We're getting closer to Kansas State, Loyola, and Florida State being the only obstacles to scUM playing in the national championship game. :argh:

Yeah, but you've got FSU/UM winner on the other side. One of: Kansas St, Loyola-Chicago, Florida St, or Michigan is playing for a national championship.

Yep, reluctantly called it earlier. This sucks.
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