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2018 NCAA Basketball Tournament Discussion (Official Thread)

This tournament could become a huge argument for reseeding the Final Four.

It's possible we could have two 1 seeds in one semifinal, and two 9 seeds in the other.
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Yeah, it's gonna take more than 44 points to get the job done.

Have you pondered your potential nightmare of TTUN-Nova in the title game?
That'd be a welcome sight. My dislike of Nova only goes back to a single family of pretentious douchebags who I had to sit behind once. Fuck them, but watching Michigan get their dicks kicked off because they finally had to play a good team would be fun to watch. Perhaps they'd get some of that 2006 Ohio State/Florida blow back.
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I either want to see 9 and 11 and 2 ones, or 9, 11, Texas Tech, and Clemson

I've been in favor of reseeding at the Final Four for years. The four regions are based on seedings, but the Final Four match ups of which regions face each other is predetermined. That doesn't make sense to me.
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Hard to believe in 30 years Huggins has only made 2 Final Fours. I would have thought he would puke have at least doubled that.

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