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2017 Ohio State Head Men's Basketball Coaching Search

I keep telling myself there's a silver lining.

- UCLA hired New Mexico's coach (but Alford had some success at Iowa).
- Florida hired Louisiana Tech's coach.
- Izzo and Mark Few were assistants.

But this guy has a worst record than Thad the past four years.
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Crap, paint the endzones...I'm reading about him on Wiki and they call him the head coach at Ohio State. What kind of loser edits that quickly...it's still just a rumor, right?

And, sure enough, there is absolutely nothing on his wikipedia page indicating this is a good hire. His big breakthrough from Northern Iowa to Iowa State ended in miserable failure (four years of no NCAA appearances), and his only success at Creighton was in the three years his son played.
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dispatch article from jardy:

Creighton coach reportedly offered job

Smith did travel to Omaha, Nebraska, where it’s believed he met with McDermott, but he returned to Columbus early Thursday without him. Upon his arrival, Smith told The Dispatch that no deal is complete for a new coach and that he is still working through a long list of candidates. Smith refused to say who was on the list because of confidentiality.


Current Ohio State assistant Chris Jent interviewed with Smith on Wednesday afternoon, multiple sources told The Dispatch. Other candidates being considered include West Virginia coach Bob Huggins, Virginia Tech coach Buzz Williams and Golden State Warriors assistant Mike Brown. All were confirmed to The Dispatch by multiple sources as under consideration to some degree.

Sources close to Huggins indicated that he let Ohio State know that he was interested in the position with an eye on closing the borders, keeping top in-state talent at Ohio State and chasing a national championship within the next few years before retiring and handing the reins to an up-and-coming coach.


On Wednesday evening, sources were indicating that Smith would head to Cleveland today to talk with Brown.

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I'm on about my 9th blue moon tonight still up reading this [Mark May].

I want Hoiberg, Buzz or Huggs if we're not getting Donovan.

Out of Hoiberg, Buzz, Brown, McDermott and Huggins, Huggins is the most sure thing for near future results. I could see him getting this team competative again soon, he has the track record. But as mentioned in the Jardy article he's not a long term fix. At this point I'd be fine with that though.
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