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2017 Ohio State Head Men's Basketball Coaching Search

Critic me if im wrong. But I think the ceiling with McDermott is being a perineal 6-10 seed type team whos likely rarely a real threat for a deep run.

It could be worse but it damn well should be better.
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Critic me if im wrong. But I think the ceiling with McDermott is being a perineal 6-10 seed type team whos likely rarely a real threat for a deep run.

That's the ceiling FOUR YEARS from now. The next three years are going to be a total cluster because he has no Ohio connections, no big recruiting connections, no ability to solidify the classes of 2018 and 2019, and nothing on the roster right now that is anything beyond mediocre....we're basically tossing the next THREE years down the gutter with this hire. Then, after that, you are correct, we might see a five-seed once in a while....

If Donovan was Plan A, McDermott, to my untrained eye, is plan WW.
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That's the ceiling FOUR YEARS from now. The next three years are going to be a total cluster because he has no Ohio connections, no big recruiting connections, no ability to solidify the classes of 2018 and 2019, and nothing on the roster right now that is anything beyond mediocre....we're basically tossing the next THREE years down the gutter with this hire. Then, after that, you are correct, we might see a five-seed once in a while....

If Donovan was Plan A, McDermott, to my untrained eye, is plan WW.

I was expecting at least 2 years of being pretty bad with whoever took over (minus a Donovan or Jay Wright type who have the potential to maybe snag some quality recruits off the start)

I agree with the 4 year assumption with McDermott though. Small chance to be competitive in 3 but more likely 4. If he is able to convince the right players to join a rebuilding program.
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