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2017 Ohio State Head Men's Basketball Coaching Search

Well, Gene pretty much bumbled this one from the get-go, from the laughably stupid support of Thad the week of the Big Ten Tournament (you know, where he appealed to Thad's long-past heyday; interesting anecdote--Genes probably sitting at home wondering why no NBA team picked up Shaquille in 2017, given Shaq's hall of fame stat line from 15 years ago), to hiring a guy whose only stint in a big conference was a compete bust.
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Completely agree that Archie is gone/off the table to OSU. Just using that as the bar that must be passed in order for this to not be a galactic fuck up on Gene's part.

He's either got an A list guy in the bag or fucked this up 9 ways to Sunday.

Not a lot of in between on this one

I guess we all knew deep down that where the smart money was on this one. from Hoiberg to McDermott. Yep, sounds like a Gene Smith move to me.
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gene is just playing 4d chess. he leaked a non-existent offer to mcdermott just so the fanbase will be relieved when the (slightly) better offer is actually made.
Mick Cronin, come on down!

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I was actually kidding when I told someone Ohio State should hire Will Wade from VCU (this was in February when it was apparent OSU will leaking oil).

I'd actually take Will Wade (now at LSU) right now.
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