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2017 Ohio State Head Men's Basketball Coaching Search

Current Ohio State assistant Chris Jent interviewed with Smith on Wednesday afternoon, multiple sources told The Dispatch. Other candidates being considered include West Virginia coach Bob Huggins, Virginia Tech coach Buzz Williams and Golden State Warriors assistant Mike Brown. All were confirmed to The Dispatch by multiple sources as under consideration to some degree.

If Mike Brown is really under consideration, we're in bad, bad, bad shape.
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You guys are calling Gene stupid......but he just made you all go from "No fucking way....Hoiberg isn't good enough" to "Oh please god give me Buzz Williams or Hoiberg".
Well, to be fair, I don't recall anybody saying he wasn't "good enough", there were just some questions about his recruiting in Columbus. But, yes, he would now have to be considered a homerun considering the path we appear to be going down.
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I'm to the point where I want a young, energetic, thirty-something coach with a track record of success at a smaller school - like Thad Matta in 2004.

I'm not interested in a 50-something NBA retread or a guy my age who stayed at a small school for too long. I don't need a "name", I want a guy who is dying for this opportunity and will stick around long enough to raise his family in Columbus - like Thad Matta in 2004.

I don't have a specific guy in mind, but I have a specific type - like Thad Matta in 2004.
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is it just me?
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