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2015 Offense Discussion

Well if that happens I'd imagine CJ ends up throwing a pick or two and he gets yanked either way.

Oddly Danny KENNEL naimed it for me on college football live today. He said he thinks we made a mistake with CJ and said he thinks if JT is given the opportunity to take the first team reps and to prepare to be the starter that we would end up being better off.

It won't happen IMO unless CJ comes out and throws a pick 6 or something but I would love to know how JT would do with the preparation that CJ gets.
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I think that a bomb can do a lot to open up the offense. Completed bombs work way better than incomplete bombs, but I think the threat of throwing deep should keep the safeties back.

Throwing deep should keep the safeties back but right now I don't think other teams necessarily fear the long ball without Devin Smith. No one has proven they can catch the deep pass and the bombs arent being thrown too accurately right now either. Unless this changes, the safeties won't have to respect the bomb.
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I think that a bomb can do a lot to open up the offense. Completed bombs work way better than incomplete bombs, but I think the threat of throwing deep should keep the safeties back.
Threats are pretty empty if they are unsuccessful attempts. They threw deep a billion times against VT last year and dropped almost all of them, primarily because of who was being targeted.
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The 2015 Buckeye offense still belongs to 12 Gauge.

You are free to disagree with that decision. You're also allowed to admire it - but wonder aloud why so many plays seem to end up with Cardale Jones running the ball laterally. It's the most futile decision since the Maurice Wells inside hand-off. It shouldn't happen.

You are free to believe the problem is not with Jones, but the play-calling - which is to say it's the coaching. It's Cardale's timing with receivers; the blame for which goes two ways. It's the right side of the offensive line, or perhaps the left - possibly the center. It's the pressure of being both the defending champ and the prohibitive favorite simultaneously.


Playoff heroes still trying to rediscover their magic.

You're also allowed to not know what the problem is. But this, the largely-intact 78th-ranked FBS offense that set the sport on fire only 10 months ago with him as its emergency caretaker is now indefinitely Cardale's. If it is to be, it is up to he. Zeke can't do it all alone. (You're allowed to believe he can)

Cardale is like a tank equipped with a large cannon. Both are designed to move and fire north-south. They're as not cut out for east-west anything but fortunately just about every non-tank Cardale lines up is unencumbered directionally. You're allowed to think the commander of the offense just might be trying too hard.

This wasn't the case when it was humming. When the offense first landed in his lap last November the guy he was taking over for gave him some pretty good advice as to how it should be run:

“Don’t try to do it all yourself," (J.T.) Barrett said when asked what advice he would give to Jones. "With myself and Cardale, we’ve got people around us we can hand the ball off like I said or throw it around. We don’t have to win the game so just go out there and just play his game."

Cardale's offense rampaged through the subsequent playoff games on a wave of surprise (wow, a 3rd stringer who can actually throw) offensive line cohesion (wow, the Slobs are dominant) veteran wide receivers (wow, so that's why Evan Spencer never leaves the field) and Ezekiel Elliott (just, wow).

Entire article: http://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-...0866/house-of-cards-cardale-jones-urban-meyer
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Well if that happens I'd imagine CJ ends up throwing a pick or two and he gets yanked either way.

Oddly Danny KENNEL naimed it for me on college football live today. He said he thinks we made a mistake with CJ and said he thinks if JT is given the opportunity to take the first team reps and to prepare to be the starter that we would end up being better off.

It won't happen IMO unless CJ comes out and throws a pick 6 or something but I would love to know how JT would do with the preparation that CJ gets.

So Urban Meyer and his staff say Cardale Jones won the competition and is our QB

ESPN talking head Danny Kanell says it should be JT Barrett

and you are rolling with Danny Kanell

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So Urban Meyer and his staff say Cardale Jones won the competition and is our QB

ESPN talking head Danny Kanell says it should be JT Barrett

and you are rolling with Danny Kanell

Yes we have peaked on UFM so I figure get on the Danny Kennel train before there's no room. Seems premature but I believe this'll work out.

It's OK to disagree with someone jax (in this case UFM). Can we be successful with
CJ? You bet. Are we more limited with CJ? Yes.

No coincidence that we are struggling in the red zone while the B1G all time leader for tds in a season sits on the bench. We struggled last year in this area as well with CJ. No one doubts CJ talent and I'd like to see the coaches simplify things for him much like they did last year. We can be successful with CJ and hes our starting QB but count me in the group that wishes JT was given first team reps for a week and a start. Then to declare the starter from there as I think it wasn't all that fair from the start given JT was coming back from the injury and all
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Yes we have peeked on UFM so I figure get on the Danny Kennel train before there's no room. Seems premature but I believe this'll work out.

It's OK to disagree with someone jax (in this case UFM). Can we be successful with
CJ? You bet. Are we more limited with CJ? Yes.

No coincidence that we are struggling in the red zone while the B1G all time leader for tds in a season sits on the bench. We struggled last year in this area as well. No one doubts CJ talent and I'd like to see the coaches simplify things for him much like they did last year. We can be successful with CJ and hes our starting QB but count me in the group that wishes JT was given first team reps for a week and a start.

I'm all for not blindly following a coach but when it comes down to judgement on the QB position one guy has a track record of success longer than a gorillas dick and the other guy is Danny Kanell.

If JT gave the team a better chance of success why didn't Meyer and company name him the starter? Do you really think they made that decision without giving him equal reps while they were competing during fall camp?
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I'm all for not blindly following a coach but when it comes down to judgement on the QB position one guy has a track record of success longer than a gorillas dick and the other guy is Danny Kanell.

If JT gave the team a better chance of success why didn't Meyer and company name him the starter? Do you really think they made that decision without giving him equal reps while they were competing during fall camp?
We have no idea if it was split equally. However I'd imagine it was close, yes. I suppose it's pointless to even debate this as there is no way to back anything up. I think JT if given the GAME reps would've found a rhythm more easily and not to mention what he gives us on the ground. You're also looking at a guy that had a td/int ratio of 3:1

Hopefully things are simplified for CJ and he gets on a role. I will say if we don't roll Maryland then this is just not working
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If JT gave the team a better chance of success why didn't Meyer and company name him the starter? Do you really think they made that decision without giving him equal reps while they were competing during fall camp?

I'd be really interested to hear the coaches explain the main reasons for picking Cardale over JT. I just keep going over the strengths of this offense, which is run Elliott and distribute the ball to the 5-6 playmakers all over the field. Distribution favors JT by far. They also want to run the option and draw plays. That favors JT by far. So why pick Cardale for an offense he can't run well?

Not saying that Meyer didn't have reasons to pick Cardale. He obviously sees a ton of stuff we don't. Just isn't adding up right now. Hopefully it does soon.
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I'd be really interested to hear the coaches explain the main reasons for picking Cardale over JT. I just keep going over the strengths of this offense, which is run Elliott and distribute the ball to the 5-6 playmakers all over the field. Distribution favors JT by far. They also want to run the option and draw plays. That favors JT by far. So why pick Cardale for an offense he can't run well?

Not saying that Meyer didn't have reasons to pick Cardale. He obviously sees a ton of stuff we don't. Just isn't adding up right now. Hopefully it does soon.

I am obviously not at practice, but my guess is Cardale is throwing the ball better than JT. Unfortunately, JT had his chance a few times during games, and though I understand the argument he hasn't had as many first team reps etc, he didn't prove he can distribute the ball better. JT has not taken the proverbial bull by the horns when he had his chance to demonstrate he could distribute the ball, instead he threw some piss poor passes and a couple of terrible INTs. And I am not exactly a "Cardale Guy" either.
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God Bless this website.

A gorilla dick tangent.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm here for the comedy. Only so much can be said about football...Plays in space, pins his ears back, moxie, tempo, etc.

But where else can you discuss gorilla dick in an honest and direct fashion without being judged or labeled.

I find it quite interesting that gorillas have tiny dicks. The banana slug, however, is hung like, well, a banana slug...

(yes, I googled that shit)

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