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Game Thread 2015 National Championship Game: (2) Oregon vs. (4) Ohio State, Jan 12th @ 8:30p ET, ESPN


They said that having a college football playoff would cheapen the regular season. They said fans might not want it. If the TV ratings from last night's Ohio State-Oregon national championship game are any indication, those assumptions were wrong. Not only was the championship game a smashing success on the field, it was the highest rated event in ESPN history.

Per ESPN's release, Ohio State's win over the Ducks picked up a 18.5 overnight rating, beating out last year's national championship game (a 15.3), and the previous record of 16.1 from the 2011 national championship game, when the Auburn Tigers defeated Oregon, which was previously the highest rated in cable history.

The top market for the game? That's Columbus, of course, which recorded an absolutely staggering 51.2 rating. Oregon's market, Portland, recorded a 37.6, and the broadcast smashed records all over the country, from Ohio State strongholds in Cleveland and Dayton, to disparate markets like Norfolk, Salt Lake City, and newfound Big Ten town, Washington D.C.

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Correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't last years game on ABC? so Broadcast vs Cable..
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They said that having a college football playoff would cheapen the regular season. They said fans might not want it. If the TV ratings from last night's Ohio State-Oregon national championship game are any indication, those assumptions were wrong. Not only was the championship game a smashing success on the field, it was the highest rated event in ESPN history.

Per ESPN's release, Ohio State's win over the Ducks picked up a 18.5 overnight rating, beating out last year's national championship game (a 15.3), and the previous record of 16.1 from the 2011 national championship game, when the Auburn Tigers defeated Oregon, which was previously the highest rated in cable history.

The top market for the game? That's Columbus, of course, which recorded an absolutely staggering 51.2 rating. Oregon's market, Portland, recorded a 37.6, and the broadcast smashed records all over the country, from Ohio State strongholds in Cleveland and Dayton, to disparate markets like Norfolk, Salt Lake City, and newfound Big Ten town, Washington D.C.

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It was ESPN vs ABC. However, I wonder if they included watch espn. Because that is how I watched it.
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BTW this thread is actually the first thread of the year for the 2015 BP fund drive
If you want a 2015 NC banner.. you gotta toss in a couple shackles
at least as much as two of those beers cost ya last night
DONATE tab is on the top

National Champions... hey, sounds kinda nice... how 'bout those Buckeyes
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I think Oregon underestimated the toll that playing a physical team like tOSU take on a defense when you keep them on the field for nearly 40 minutes of the game. I actually sent a text to my buddy after Oregon scored the quick TD in the second half that the quick TD was the worst thing that could happen for Oregon. It pretty much gave their defense an 18 seconds of game time break between getting pounded by tOSU. Noted the next series didn't turn into a TD, but after that we were pretty much unstoppable. I loved seeing Oregon's prize DL limping off the field in exhaustion. I noticed after the first quarter that Oregon seems to be slowing the pace on offense to give their defense a little extra rest, which helped take their offense out of the game.

Best thing is it only gets better from here. This was supposed to be a rebuilding year and we won it all. Most everyone is back next year and after that we will be reloading rather than rebuilding. This is going to be a fun ride. Just make Warinner the highest paid assistant coach in college football for the rest of his career and we'll be set.
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They said that having a college football playoff would cheapen the regular season. They said fans might not want it. If the TV ratings from last night's Ohio State-Oregon national championship game are any indication, those assumptions were wrong. Not only was the championship game a smashing success on the field, it was the highest rated event in ESPN history.

Per ESPN's release, Ohio State's win over the Ducks picked up a 18.5 overnight rating, beating out last year's national championship game (a 15.3), and the previous record of 16.1 from the 2011 national championship game, when the Auburn Tigers defeated Oregon, which was previously the highest rated in cable history.

The top market for the game? That's Columbus, of course, which recorded an absolutely staggering 51.2 rating. Oregon's market, Portland, recorded a 37.6, and the broadcast smashed records all over the country, from Ohio State strongholds in Cleveland and Dayton, to disparate markets like Norfolk, Salt Lake City, and newfound Big Ten town, Washington D.C.

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The only people who hate the playoff are the SEC. Gone are the days where the voters can pretend a one-loss team is undefeated and hand the SEC champion a spot in the NC game every year.
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Once I saw that our defense, and in particular our DL, was going to be able to keep up with Oregon's tempo, I felt pretty confident for the remainder of the game, even with the turnovers.

And Oregon's D was pathetic. I get the going for turnovers, but that shouldn't override the ability to play basic defense and focused tackling. I watched in a bar, so I was forced to listen to the main commentary. Anyone listen to Spielman? I have to believe that he was apoplectic over that strip first tackle later style of D play.
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If you get a chance, watch this great press conference with Urban, Cardale and Tyvis.
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