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Game Thread 2015 National Championship Game: (2) Oregon vs. (4) Ohio State, Jan 12th @ 8:30p ET, ESPN

Seeing the comments on Facebook and other article comments about our last touchdown is funny. You aren't conceding the game by calling timeouts just a few plays before and certainly aren't jumping offsides like that if you just want the game to be over. Judging from the tone of our offense, they were willing to just run out the clock, but decided if Oregon wants to get cute at the end, we have no problem adding another score.

Now that that's off my chest. Wow, what a game. From the opening drive I was nervous, but hopeful that it was going to be like Notre Dame in the Fiesta Bowl. If it hadn't been for the turnovers, it would've been. I had a sick feeling after Cardale did his best Winston impersonation, but our defense held skrong. They came ready to hit last night and played about as good as you could've hoped for against a team like Oregon. And then EzE did what we all knew he could and crushed the Ducks' hopes. It's scary to think the only big losses on defense will be Bennett and Doran Grant. What a season! What a lot to look forward to a little later this year!
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Hey Bucks fans - congratulations! Your team simply was dominant in every phase of the game. Elliott is a stud. I can't wait to add him to my fantasy team lol. I was lobbying for the Buckeyes to make it in and they proved to everyone they deserved it. To say they beat #1 and #2 is misleading because in retrospect the Bucks were #1 all along. Dominant. Coach Meyer has passed Saban...no doubt...as the best coach in college football. I love my Ducks, but I truly love college football. The Ohio State story this season did college football proud. Amazing season! If Marcus leaves for the NFL, we are in bad shape next season lol. We don't have 3 studs at QB. I don't ever remember a team having that much depth at that position. My question...who starts next year? Anyway, I'm happy for you guys. You will be ranked #1 next year and I think you'll be hoisting another championship trophy.

What an incredible class act. Welcome. Stick around, we'd love to have more guys from the West Coast.
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Can someone explain to me how mistakes lead to Oregon losing the game? 2 dropped passes? We handed them 3 extra possessions on unforced turnovers and still physically destroyed them. Bama had mistakes and bad play calling cost them the game. Oregon got steamrolled. The Pac12, ACC, and Big 12 can call me when they learn how to play big boy football.
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From a research team from the Byrd Polar Research Center in Antarctica.

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I was really surprised at how ineffective Oregon's offense was. Oregon had 465 yards of total offense, which is a pretty decent output, although significantly less than their season average of 547 yards per game. However, outside of the opening 75-yard TD drive and a fluke 70-yard TD pass, Oregon really did nothing on offense. The two touchdown drives netted 145 yards, but the remaining 320 yards of offense produced two short field goals, six punts, two turnovers on downs, and an interception on a Hail Mary to end the game.

The ball bounced Oregon's way all night long. On their opening drive, the Ducks put the ball on the turf twice, but recovered one fumble and kept possession on the other when the runner was ruled down by contact. Oregon WR Byron Marshall nonchalantly dropped the ball as he was going into the end zone at the end of his 70-yard touchdown reception, and the replay officials very generously concluded that he had the nose of the ball over the front edge of the goal line before losing possession. Ohio State fumbled the ball three times and lost all three, while Jalin Marshall bobbled a perfect pass right into the hands of an Oregon defender. If the Buckeyes had done a better job of controlling the football, then the game would have been a real rout.

Oregon once again proved that it is a fake football team, and that finesse football doesn't win championships. In 2010, Oregon went a perfect 12-0 during the regular season, averaging 49.3 points per game. In the national championship game, a tough and physical Auburn squad held them to 19 points and crushed their national championship hopes. Same thing last night. Oregon entered the contest averaging 47.2 points per game and had just scored 59 against #3 Florida State in the Rose Bowl. The Ohio State defense beat the snot out of Oregon and the speedy Ducks were never able to get into a rhythm offensively. The Buckeye defense came up with big stops all game long and held the Ducks to just 20 points on the night.

Oregon gained 465 yards, but couldn't get yards when it counted – the Ducks were just 2 for 12 on third down and 0 for 2 on fourth down, one of which was a crucial goal line stand. On the other side of the ball, the Ohio State offensive line consistently blew gaping holes in the Oregon defense, and the Buckeyes exploited it for 296 yards and 5 touchdowns on the ground. The Buckeye offense converted 8 of 15 third downs, and all three of their fourth down attempts.

Ohio State shot themselves in the foot with turnovers (3 fumbles, 1 interception) but Oregon was never able to capitalize, gaining only 10 points off of those four turnovers. Oregon's problem was penalties – 10 for 76 yards. Four of those penalties came on a single possession with the game still in the balance. Ohio State had just gone up 35-20 with 9:44 left in the game. Oregon received the ensuing kickoff and after a nice return would've had the ball near midfield, but a holding penalty set them back to their own 10-yard line. Three more penalties on the drive put the Ducks at 3rd-and-26 deep in their own territory and Oregon was eventually forced to punt. On their next drive, still trailing by just 15 points (two scores), a 29-yard pass play was negated by a holding penalty and the Ducks again had to punt the ball away. On the Buckeyes' final drive, with time running down and Ohio State facing a fourth-and-inches, an Oregon defender jumped offsides and gave the Buckeyes a cheap first down.

Oregon was chippy and swaggering all night long (well, at least until the fourth quarter when the Buckeyes finally pounded them into submission), and they run up the score whenever they get the chance (including a garbage TD with 1:25 left to play against Michigan State). So I'm glad that Urban didn't take a knee and added an extra touchdown in the final minute of the game. That made a statement – if you're gonna quack, we're gonna attack.

And one more thing, Oregon: The real national championship game was the Sugar Bowl. You paled in comparison to Alabama. I'll remember that epic Sugar Bowl long after this game.

Congratulations to Urban Meyer, the rest of the staff, and especially the players for bringing home the eighth national championship in Ohio State history (1942, 1954, 1957, 1961, 1968, 1970, 2002, 2014)!

It's been a crazy finish to this season. First The Game (Michigan), then the Big Ten title game (Wisconsin), then the Sugar Bowl (Alabama), and finally the National Championship Game (Oregon), and now I'm drained. I'm looking forward to next year, but I'm glad that it's eight months away.
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I am not even sure where to start. It is pretty clear we have the best coach in football at any level. Even when they got within a point I knew we would win the game. TEZE is a beast. I think he is up there with Eddie George all ready and will only get better.

The Silver Bullets were better than most people thought. They got crucial 3 and outs and made some tremendous stops that offset the turnovers. If the little 12 referees had learned to recognize holding by their offensive line the score would have been even more lopsided.

It was great to see Tressel there. This game brought closure and it was fitting that he was in the building.

Best wishes to Tom Herman at Houston. I will be rooting for his team.

A huge thank you to the seniors that gave us such a great good bye present.

On to VA Tech.
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It was ESPN vs ABC. However, I wonder if they included watch espn. Because that is how I watched it.

Watched live streaming video. Wondering how many watched it on the interwebs w/out paying? And having had 14 years of misery w/Time Warner, watching the game last night on a TW live stream feed was somewhat satisfying.

btw, watched the WI game, they won. Didn't watch the 'Bama game, they won. But, but, but kept my Christmas lights and tree up ... so this is obviously why the Buckeyes won.

You're welcome!

And this win was wayyy better than 2002, not a close call. :urban2:
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I was really surprised at how ineffective Oregon's offense was. Oregon had 465 yards of total offense, which is a pretty decent output, although significantly less than their season average of 547 yards per game. However, outside of the opening 75-yard TD drive and a fluke 70-yard TD pass, Oregon really did nothing on offense. The two touchdown drives netted 145 yards, but the remaining 320 yards of offense produced two short field goals, six punts, two turnovers on downs, and an interception on a Hail Mary to end the game.

The ball bounced Oregon's way all night long. On their opening drive, the Ducks put the ball on the turf twice, but recovered one fumble and kept possession on the other when the runner was ruled down by contact. Oregon WR Byron Marshall nonchalantly dropped the ball as he was going into the end zone at the end of his 70-yard touchdown reception, and the replay officials very generously concluded that he had the nose of the ball over the front edge of the goal line before losing possession. Ohio State fumbled the ball three times and lost all three, while Jalin Marshall bobbled a perfect pass right into the hands of an Oregon defender. If the Buckeyes had done a better job of controlling the football, then the game would have been a real rout.

Oregon once again proved that it is a fake football team, and that finesse football doesn't win championships. In 2010, Oregon went a perfect 12-0 during the regular season, averaging 49.3 points per game. In the national championship game, a tough and physical Auburn squad held them to 19 points and crushed their national championship hopes. Same thing last night. Oregon entered the contest averaging 47.2 points per game and had just scored 59 against #3 Florida State in the Rose Bowl. The Ohio State defense beat the snot out of Oregon and the speedy Ducks were never able to get into a rhythm offensively. The Buckeye defense came up with big stops all game long and held the Ducks to just 20 points on the night.

Oregon gained 465 yards, but couldn't get yards when it counted – the Ducks were just 2 for 12 on third down and 0 for 2 on fourth down, one of which was a crucial goal line stand. On the other side of the ball, the Ohio State offensive line consistently blew gaping holes in the Oregon defense, and the Buckeyes exploited it for 296 yards and 5 touchdowns on the ground. The Buckeye offense converted 8 of 15 third downs, and all three of their fourth down attempts.

Ohio State shot themselves in the foot with turnovers (3 fumbles, 1 interception) but Oregon was never able to capitalize, gaining only 10 points off of those four turnovers. Oregon's problem was penalties – 10 for 76 yards. Four of those penalties came on a single possession with the game still in the balance. Ohio State had just gone up 35-20 with 9:44 left in the game. Oregon received the ensuing kickoff and after a nice return would've had the ball near midfield, but a holding penalty set them back to their own 10-yard line. Three more penalties on the drive put the Ducks at 3rd-and-26 deep in their own territory and Oregon was eventually forced to punt. On their next drive, still trailing by just 15 points (two scores), a 29-yard pass play was negated by a holding penalty and the Ducks again had to punt the ball away. On the Buckeyes' final drive, with time running down and Ohio State facing a fourth-and-inches, an Oregon defender jumped offsides and gave the Buckeyes a cheap first down.

Oregon was chippy and swaggering all night long (well, at least until the fourth quarter when the Buckeyes finally pounded them into submission), and they run up the score whenever they get the chance (including a garbage TD with 1:25 left to play against Michigan State). So I'm glad that Urban didn't take a knee and added an extra touchdown in the final minute of the game. That made a statement – if you're gonna quack, we're gonna attack.

And one more thing, Oregon: The real national championship game was the Sugar Bowl. You paled in comparison to Alabama. I'll remember that epic Sugar Bowl long after this game.

Congratulations to Urban Meyer, the rest of the staff, and especially the players for bringing home the eighth national championship in Ohio State history (1942, 1954, 1957, 1961, 1968, 1970, 2002, 2014)!

It's been a crazy finish to this season. First The Game (Michigan), then the Big Ten title game (Wisconsin), then the Sugar Bowl (Alabama), and finally the National Championship Game (Oregon), and now I'm drained. I'm looking forward to next year, but I'm glad that it's eight months away.

Can i like this again?
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I think Oregon underestimated the toll that playing a physical team like tOSU take on a defense when you keep them on the field for nearly 40 minutes of the game. I actually sent a text to my buddy after Oregon scored the quick TD in the second half that the quick TD was the worst thing that could happen for Oregon. It pretty much gave their defense an 18 seconds of game time break between getting pounded by tOSU.

Exactly what I thought at the time. Plus kept thinking the Buckeyes have all these turnovers and they're still ahead!
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