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Game Thread 2015 National Championship Game: (2) Oregon vs. (4) Ohio State, Jan 12th @ 8:30p ET, ESPN

they run up the score whenever they get the chance (including a garbage TD with 1:25 left to play against Michigan State). So I'm glad that Urban didn't take a knee and added an extra touchdown in the final minute of the game. That made a statement – if you're gonna quack, we're gonna attack.

Thanks for including this note LJB. Excellent retort when/if needed.
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Thanks for including this note LJB. Excellent retort when/if needed.

Like, say...after reading this?

Perhaps Coach Helfrich knew that if the ball was turned over on downs that the opposing coach would run the score up on them? Sure enough, Meyer did that later, and this was after Helf and Chip opened up Oregon’s facilities and processes to him two years ago and treated him as an honored guest? The guy is a jerk, as we know Coach Helfrich would have taken a knee at the end to prevent running it up.
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Mostly though Duck fan is taking it on the chin and recognizing they got their ass handed to them (yeah some whinging about the late score, depleted roster to injuries and chronic but it gets dismissed pretty quickly) by a much better team. Still trying to get a local radio team to do an O.H.I.O after saying the BIG was irrelevant and should quit playing football earlier in the season.
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While I don't consider it running up the score, I really could care less if it was. First off, Oregon runs the score up worse than any program in the country, so the bully finally ran into somebody bigger and stronger who knocked him on his ass in a fair fight. If that's not the American way, I don't know what is. Second, if after everything Zeke accomplished in this three game run, Urban's thoughts were more about getting him into the end zone one last time than with the feelings of the Oregon defense, I applaud him for it.

There is no fear in this dojo. Sweep the god damned leg.
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The SEC's title run has come to a permanent end - SB Nation: http://www.sbnation.com/college-foo...he-secs-title-run-has-come-to-a-permanent-end

First of all, after watching Selma over the weekend I have to ask if anyones suprised that a bunch of people from the South were to reliant on a flawed polling system.

The NCAA should give the SEC its own playoff and then let them work themselves into a cute little lather trying to convince America that its the real natonal championship. No offense but since no one from the south reads any news thats not printed on a bazooka joe gum wrapper, we can just humor them if we happen to run into them at a gun shop or courthouse and say "Oh Bama beat LSU by a score of 5 to negative 3 this year in your final? Yep your the real champion allright." Not to be stereotyping the south.

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