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Game Thread 2015 National Championship Game: (2) Oregon vs. (4) Ohio State, Jan 12th @ 8:30p ET, ESPN

I predicted 41-14. I was wrong. How was I supposed to know that tOSU would hadn the
The 42-13 run we had after Oregon scored the quick TD on the game's opening drive is even better than the 36-7 run we had against Alabama after being down 21-6, since we did it despite committing four turnovers to Oregon's none.

Do I get any vcash for calling 41-14? I was kind of close, even more impressive considering the handover gifts.
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I'm worn out, tired and dragging today but it doesn't matter one stinkin' bit. I have not stopped smiling- there was a big smile print on my pillow when I woke up this morning. The sun is shining brighter, the air is sweeter, the coffee tastes better, and it's a great day to be a BUCKEYE!

I just can't say enough about how happy I am, and how proud I am to be a Buckeye.
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