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Game Thread 2015 National Championship Game: (2) Oregon vs. (4) Ohio State, Jan 12th @ 8:30p ET, ESPN

I just saw that there are people bitching about our final TD being poor sportsmanship. Like we should have taken a knee. Are you fucking kidding me? In the national championship game? Not a chance. No way. If you don't want to get scored on, then stop us. If not, then shut the fuck up.
After browsing the Oregon boards for the last week, including a hot minute this morning, they seem to think this is feelingsball, and Ohio State and Urban Meyer are big meanies for hurting theirs. Tough Shit. Stop us or GTFO.
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They said that having a college football playoff would cheapen the regular season. They said fans might not want it. If the TV ratings from last night's Ohio State-Oregon national championship game are any indication, those assumptions were wrong. Not only was the championship game a smashing success on the field, it was the highest rated event in ESPN history.

Per ESPN's release, Ohio State's win over the Ducks picked up a 18.5 overnight rating, beating out last year's national championship game (a 15.3), and the previous record of 16.1 from the 2011 national championship game, when the Auburn Tigers defeated Oregon, which was previously the highest rated in cable history.

The top market for the game? That's Columbus, of course, which recorded an absolutely staggering 51.2 rating. Oregon's market, Portland, recorded a 37.6, and the broadcast smashed records all over the country, from Ohio State strongholds in Cleveland and Dayton, to disparate markets like Norfolk, Salt Lake City, and newfound Big Ten town, Washington D.C.

Cont'd ...
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I just saw that there are people bitching about our final TD being poor sportsmanship. Like we should have taken a knee. Are you fucking kidding me? In the national championship game? Not a chance. No way. If you don't want to get scored on, then stop us. If not, then shut the fuck up.

I mean, at that point it was like we had this huge cake in front of us. What do they expect, for us not to put some delicious frosting on top of it?
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