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2015-2016 Ohio State Men's Basketball (Official Thread)

I don't think this changes without a staff shake up (Not Matta). We have a subpar supporting staff, no if's and's or but's about it. We don't have an ace recruiter, we don't have a high enough focus on in-state recruits, etc....I know the odds of it happening are between 0 and 1% but I'd love to see them make Keith Dambrot Associate HC and give him one of the highest assistant salaries in the country.

The fact we didn't put a full court press on Spellman is a complete concern to me......Columbus and Cleveland both have some high profile kids in the 2017 and 2018 classes, an area OSU should have a strong presence in. If we continue at this rate though I'm not expecting great results in the future.
that is just crazy talk and not just because you have a lovefest with some guy. Plus, I do not think that the assistant coaches make the final call on recruits without Matta's blessing. I do not think that they can just go out and make any offer that they want without him knowing about it. To make a change in a coaching staff just to recruit the Cleveland and Cincinnati area is just nuts. Also, how do you know that we did not put a full-court press on Spellman. I think we probably showed some interest but from the beginning he was interested in going East.
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The Buckeyes are not making it to the NCAA tourney this year. Get that thought out of your mind right now. Their best hope is to qualify for the NIT and hopefully make a run. I'm not convinced they can do that.

What part of "After today's blowout loss at UConn the 4-5 Bucks have about 3 months to prepare for the B1G tournament, which is probably our only hope of making the NCAAs this season," made you think I expect to make the NCAAs this season? :lol:
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that is just crazy talk and not just because you have a lovefest with some guy. Plus, I do not think that the assistant coaches make the final call on recruits without Matta's blessing. I do not think that they can just go out and make any offer that they want without him knowing about it. To make a change in a coaching staff just to recruit the Cleveland and Cincinnati area is just nuts. Also, how do you know that we did not put a full-court press on Spellman. I think we probably showed some interest but from the beginning he was interested in going East.

I think you misinterpreted that post Litl.

There was never any indication of the assistants making offers; it's simply the staff hasn't been able to recruit at a level they are capable of. Identifying talent is not a big issue; closing on it is. This staff doesn't sniff the jock of MSU's - and I'm not expecting our staff to be as good, but I'd at least expect Ohio State's basketball staff to be in the general vicinity of MSU's.

And there was no mention of needing to make a change for Cleveland and Cbus; what I said was there is a great opportunity ahead of them in the near future in typical strongholds for OSU - hopefully they don't blow it.
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Four of the top ten teams in assists-to-turnovers ratio to this point are in the B1G. Safe to say the Buckeyes aren't one of them coming in at 282nd in the country.

Just too damn sloppy.:hoke:
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For all you doom and gloomers about the Ohio State basketball program, I suggest you read the following article from a person who might know a little more about the game that anyone on this board.
What's going on with Ohio State basketball? A Q&A with Clark Kellogg before Saturday's game vs. Kentucky
That's about the nicest possible way of saying that this is the least talented Buckeye team of the Matta era and they're going to lose a lot of games. There probably aren't any future pros on the team but maybe with a lot of work one or two of them might manage to become "serviceable."

Lot of lipstick on that pig.
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