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2015-2016 Ohio State Men's Basketball (Official Thread)

They're under way vs the Falcons.

I could've done without the reminder of our only meeting with AFA in football or basketball before tonight - an ugly 23-11 loss in the 1990 Liberty Bowl. :eek:
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thought loving looked like he was playing at a faster tempo (drink) . KBD was aggressive going to the hoop. always lopve watching tate play and Lyle keeps growing on me. thought thompson and bell each showed something and aj harris may be a little out of control but I love the way he plays. grandstaff hit a deep 3 too alot of talent just so raw. good to see the walkon get in at the end and score a point.
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After today's blowout loss at UConn the 4-5 Bucks have about 3 months to prepare for the B1G tournament, which is probably our only hope of making the NCAAs this season. Might need those tourney wins just to reach 20 for Thad. :ohno:
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The Buckeyes are not making it to the NCAA tourney this year. Get that thought out of your mind right now. Their best hope is to qualify for the NIT and hopefully make a run. I'm not convinced they can do that.
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I don't think this changes without a staff shake up (Not Matta). We have a subpar supporting staff, no if's and's or but's about it. We don't have an ace recruiter, we don't have a high enough focus on in-state recruits, etc....I know the odds of it happening are between 0 and 1% but I'd love to see them make Keith Dambrot Associate HC and give him one of the highest assistant salaries in the country.

The fact we didn't put a full court press on Spellman is a complete concern to me......Columbus and Cleveland both have some high profile kids in the 2017 and 2018 classes, an area OSU should have a strong presence in. If we continue at this rate though I'm not expecting great results in the future.
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They just aren't smart on the court. This isnt AAU or high school where you can just be a better athlete and get stats. How about moving your feet, keeping your hands up and staying SPREAD OUT on the court??? Who's the offensive play caller? Awful spacing with no real rhyme or reason to what they are doing on that end. On defense they don't see ball and man when they are out there and the switch man defense has been awful for years now. What is being taught? Should have figured it out by now.
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