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2014 NFL (Well, Browns, so, sorta "NFL") Draft Thread

Browns offered Redskins fourth-round pick for Kirk Cousins


The Browns solved (or attempted to solve anyway) their long-term quarterback problem during the 2014 NFL Draft, picking up Johnny Manziel with the 22nd overall selection.

That didn't preclude them from exploring other avenues though: CBS Sports NFL Insider Jason La Canfora reported Tuesday the Browns offered the Redskins a fourth-round pick for their backup quarterback Kirk Cousins.

The Redskins, however, rebuffed the trade.

Entire article: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on...d-redskins-fourth-round-pick-for-kirk-cousins
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He's a gigantic risk that should no way be cemented this early as being the man at QB for the future.

But he is. Regardless of the reasons he was taken, which I feel were business motivated, eventually JFF will be the starting QB. Unless there's an implosion or a gross lack of ability on a scale previously unseen (holy fuck, that would be hard to do) the kid is going to be our starter. Maybe not this year, but next year it'd be awfully hard to keep him off the field. Even if something insane, like Hoyer walking himself into a fringe Pro-Bowl season happens, then it'll be Anderson/Quinn all over again.

edit: Why would we trade for Cousins? I just don't see the difference between him and Hoyer.
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But he is. Regardless of the reasons he was taken, which I feel were business motivated, eventually JFF will be the starting QB. Unless there's an implosion or a gross lack of ability on a scale previously unseen (holy fuck, that would be hard to do) the kid is going to be our starter. Maybe not this year, but next year it'd be awfully hard to keep him off the field. Even if something insane, like Hoyer walking himself into a fringe Pro-Bowl season happens, then it'll be Anderson/Quinn all over again.

edit: Why would we trade for Cousins? I just don't see the difference between him and Hoyer.
I see a difference between "starter" and "the man". Matt McGloin was the starter for the Raiders at the end of the year. In no way should anybody have looked at him as "the man".
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But he is. Regardless of the reasons he was taken, which I feel were business motivated, eventually JFF will be the starting QB. Unless there's an implosion or a gross lack of ability on a scale previously unseen (holy fuck, that would be hard to do) the kid is going to be our starter. Maybe not this year, but next year it'd be awfully hard to keep him off the field. Even if something insane, like Hoyer walking himself into a fringe Pro-Bowl season happens, then it'll be Anderson/Quinn all over again.

edit: Why would we trade for Cousins? I just don't see the difference between him and Hoyer.

The fact we tried to trade for Cousins makes me think that Johnny is going to get one year to prove to this organization that he can be mature enough, adjust to the demands of the league, if he shows signs of not being able to do that I would not be surprised to see us go after another QB in the first round next year.
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I see a difference between "starter" and "the man". Matt McGloin was the starter for the Raiders at the end of the year. In no way should anybody have looked at him as "the man".

I won't disagree, I feel in my bones the kid is going to be a total flop. However Farmer and Haslam see differently.

The fact we tried to trade for Cousins makes me think that Johnny is going to get one year to prove to this organization that he can be mature enough, adjust to the demands of the league, if he shows signs of not being able to do that I would not be surprised to see us go after another QB in the first round next year.

See, that's what bothers me. If the front office has such great reservations about a QB that their attitude is after one year they can just draft another - then why bother in the first place? Spend the 1st round pick elsewhere on a player that can at least have a higher chance of being a valued contributor. Taking Manziel, plugging him in for one year then dumping him is essentially pissing away a 1st round pick. Which we've done more than our fair share.
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I won't disagree, I feel in my bones the kid is going to be a total flop. However Farmer and Haslam see differently.

See, that's what bothers me. If the front office has such great reservations about a QB that their attitude is after one year they can just draft another - then why bother in the first place? Spend the 1st round pick elsewhere on a player that can at least have a higher chance of being a valued contributor. Taking Manziel, plugging him in for one year then dumping him is essentially pissing away a 1st round pick. Which we've done more than our fair share.

Well there could be a million reasons the kid was drafted, but to say that he doesn't have the potential to be a very good QB in the league is a little foolish, does he have a better chance of flopping, yes, I totally conceded that but they obviously see some sort of potential to trade up to 22 and use a third to get there to take him.

Edit:And I know its a little ridiculous but at this point the Browns have to keep investing picks into QB's till they find one that works, which is a backwards because we need to build a team up around a QB so that said QB can be successful but you must continue to invest resources till you find one that can help you consistently win.
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, I totally conceded that but they obviously see some sort of potential to trade up to 22 and use a third to get there to take him.

Phil Savage saw potential in Brady Quinn. Holmgren with Weeden. I don't like it when a front office try to convince themselves that an available QB can be a franchise player simply because they have a need to fill. That's what bit Jacksonville with Gabbert and Minnesota with Ponder.
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Phil Savage saw potential in Brady Quinn. Holmgren with Weeden. I don't like it when a front office try to convince themselves that an available QB can be a franchise player simply because they have a need to fill. That's what bit Jacksonville with Gabbert and Minnesota with Ponder.

Agreed that is a silly move to try to believe in guys that really are not that good, but IMO Manziel has a much higher ceiling than any of those names mentioned. Is his floor just as low if not lower? Well yes but you don't take a guy thinking about what his floor is you take him for what you believe he can become.
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Cleveland Browns are copying Seattle huh? Well you guys seem to forget that Seattle traded for Percy Harvin. You also forget that Seattle picked up Sidney Rice a few years ago who at the time was coming off a 1300 yd 8 TD season. Unfortunately for Sidney he wasn't able to stay injury free very long. Seattle had also taken Golden Tate in Rd two a few years back. Seattle also took another WR this year in rd 2. The Cleveland Browns meanwhile are ignoring WR, the only wise WR thing we did is take Gordon in the Sup. Draft... now that he is proving to be a moron off the field and undependable, our genius idea is to take no WR at all and hope old washed up Nate Burleson, unproven and injury prone Andrew Hawkins, or a guy that we all wanted to cut 2 years running now Little, can go out and produce.

There you go, just proved Seattle has made pushes to get better at WR. Something CLE is ignoring.
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Cleveland Browns are copying Seattle huh? Well you guys seem to forget that Seattle traded for Percy Harvin. You also forget that Seattle picked up Sidney Rice a few years ago who at the time was coming off a 1300 yd 8 TD season. Unfortunately for Sidney he wasn't able to stay injury free very long. Seattle had also taken Golden Tate in Rd two a few years back. Seattle also took another WR this year in rd 2. The Cleveland Browns meanwhile are ignoring WR, the only wise WR thing we did is take Gordon in the Sup. Draft... now that he is proving to be a moron off the field and undependable, our genius idea is to take no WR at all and hope old washed up Nate Burleson, unproven and injury prone Andrew Hawkins, or a guy that we all wanted to cut 2 years running now Little, can go out and produce.

There you go, just proved Seattle has made pushes to get better at WR. Something CLE is ignoring.

And your jumping to conclusion without training camp having even started, your acting like no one else is concerned about the Browns adding other players to that position, but again its May and there is time to address this position before the season starts. Free agents,trades, and of course the draft next year(which obviously doesnt help them this season). Not to mention veteran cuts that will happen between now and the season start as well, plus who knows if any of the five or so undrafted FA's will be able to help as well. You seem to completely forget about them and the fact that we signed a practice player from the Packers last year that had an ACL injury and also has a lot of potential himself. You seem to be taking a very narrow point of view on this issue and you have successfully beat this dead horse, please send him to the glue factory.
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Cleveland Browns are copying Seattle huh? Well you guys seem to forget that Seattle traded for Percy Harvin. You also forget that Seattle picked up Sidney Rice a few years ago who at the time was coming off a 1300 yd 8 TD season. Unfortunately for Sidney he wasn't able to stay injury free very long. Seattle had also taken Golden Tate in Rd two a few years back. Seattle also took another WR this year in rd 2. The Cleveland Browns meanwhile are ignoring WR, the only wise WR thing we did is take Gordon in the Sup. Draft... now that he is proving to be a moron off the field and undependable, our genius idea is to take no WR at all and hope old washed up Nate Burleson, unproven and injury prone Andrew Hawkins, or a guy that we all wanted to cut 2 years running now Little, can go out and produce.

There you go, just proved Seattle has made pushes to get better at WR. Something CLE is ignoring.
Why do you keep comparing the worst team in the league to a team that just won the Super Bowl? Seattle can afford to go after WRs because they don't have huge weaknesses everywhere else like Cleveland does. What part of that don't you get?
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Why do you keep comparing the worst team in the league to a team that just won the Super Bowl? Seattle can afford to go after WRs because they don't have huge weaknesses everywhere else like Cleveland does. What part of that don't you get?

Seattle didn't have that Superbowl for any of the aforementioned moves minus obviously this years 2nd rd draft choice. So your logic goes right out the window on that one. They tried pretty hard in the last few years to get a #1 WR and ultimately a good WR core. You can ignore it all you want but it's clear as day before Seattle won a SB they were still trying to continue to upgrade at WR, something CLE has not done yet.
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Seattle didn't have that Superbowl for any of the aforementioned moves minus obviously this years 2nd rd draft choice. So your logic goes right out the window on that one. They tried pretty hard in the last few years to get a #1 WR and ultimately a good WR core. You can ignore it all you want but it's clear as day before Seattle won a SB they were still trying to continue to upgrade at WR, something CLE has not done yet.

I don't understand why it matters that CLE is not trying to upgrade their WR core. At the end of the day, both teams have crappy WR cores, but one is successful because of ridiculous good defense and solid, run-based offense aka, evidence that you don't need amazing WR core to win superbowl. Why does trying matter??
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Seattle didn't have that Superbowl for any of the aforementioned moves minus obviously this years 2nd rd draft choice. So your logic goes right out the window on that one. They tried pretty hard in the last few years to get a #1 WR and ultimately a good WR core. You can ignore it all you want but it's clear as day before Seattle won a SB they were still trying to continue to upgrade at WR, something CLE has not done yet.
Please go over to Pinky's house and play checkers or something.. Just give this thread a rest. You had just gone on and on about the Cleveland Browns and the lack of them not drafting a WRs or whatever. The majority of Browns fans on this site would be very pleased if you would just drop it. Enough is enough.
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