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2013 TSUN Football News

NFBuck;2308869; said:
Got a commitment from scout #19 OT Mason Cole. That makes 84 offensive linemen fat garbageman has recruited in the last two classes. Talk about the anti-dickrod. In four years they'll do the total 180 of a roster full of fast 5'9 / 175 lb guys to a roster full of slow 6'3 / 290 lbs guys. :lol:

You guys don't get it... Hoke isn't recruiting a football team, he's building the deathstar of hotdog eating teams. When he finally gets it assembled, we're screwed.

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I honestly understand having depth on the O-Line, in fact, as you all know, we need some more ourselves. However, I can't understand taking all of these kids (11 in the 2012 and 2013 classes) at the expense of bolstering the WR and secondary depth. This year, they'll have 16 (maybe 17 if Burzynski gets a scholly) O-lineman on scholarship. Seems like a little much to me. Especially when you consider they oversigned by 2.
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I am trying to remember this .... didn't Wiscy using in essence a 7 man line against us? Two tight ends? Maybe they can convert some blockers into receivers, and win on height and size, since speed is over-rated?

If I recall, Urban Meyer once said that "the run can be stopped". We are about to see. It will be an interesting "experiment in philosophy differences".

Urb did also say on his cruise ship that he was pleased with his young dline but that they did need to grow up quick. Just before thanksgiving is what I see as being a very good time for that.

Jonathan Hankins will be missed.
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maximumblitz;2308914; said:
I am trying to remember this .... didn't Wiscy using in essence a 7 man line against us? Two tight ends? Maybe they can convert some blockers into receivers, and win on height and size, since speed is over-rated?

If I recall, Urban Meyer once said that "the run can be stopped". We are about to see. It will be an interesting "experiment in philosophy differences".

Urb did also say on his cruise ship that he was pleased with his young dline but that they did need to grow up quick. Just before thanksgiving is what I see as being a very good time for that.

Jonathan Hankins will be missed.

I think the matchups in the trenches will be pretty even in the coming future, but I think OSU's OL has a slight advantage over their DL and when it comes to the DBs, WRS, and LBs, OSU has the clear advantage right now.

It's easy to see that they will at least be tough though. Any time you have a great OL and some really good RBs, you're going to be hard to beat, but that only goes so far. OSU struggles with Wisconsin's running game sometimes, but with a pretty average defense (allbeit playing much better late in the season) this past year they were still able to hold them to 14 points.
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maximumblitz;2308914; said:
I am trying to remember this .... didn't Wiscy using in essence a 7 man line against us? Two tight ends? Maybe they can convert some blockers into receivers, and win on height and size, since speed is over-rated?

If I recall, Urban Meyer once said that "the run can be stopped". We are about to see. It will be an interesting "experiment in philosophy differences".

Urb did also say on his cruise ship that he was pleased with his young dline but that they did need to grow up quick. Just before thanksgiving is what I see as being a very good time for that.

Jonathan Hankins will be missed.
I know they did it against Nebraska in the CCG, not sure against OSU though.

Interesting that you say that though, as Gary Andersen will likely be bringing in some different looks offensively than the run-run-run philosophy of Alvarez and Bielema.
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maximumblitz;2308914; said:
If I recall, Urban Meyer once said that "the run can be stopped". We are about to see. It will be an interesting "experiment in philosophy differences".

I was under the impression that Urban's statement was within the context of "if you don't have a pass game to keep the defense honest". In that regard, I don't see the TTUN passing game being worth a shit for a few years to come.
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1926Buckeyes;2309086; said:
I think the matchups in the trenches will be pretty even in the coming future, but I think OSU's OL has a slight advantage over their DL and when it comes to the DBs, WRS, and LBs, OSU has the clear advantage right now.

It's easy to see that they will at least be tough though. Any time you have a great OL and some really good RBs, you're going to be hard to beat, but that only goes so far. OSU struggles with Wisconsin's running game sometimes, but with a pretty average defense (allbeit playing much better late in the season) this past year they were still able to hold them to 14 points.

Yeah, they seem to be going with the Alabama model without the Alabama defense. Running the ball will allow them to control the clock, which will certainly put a lot of pressure on a defense especially if the opposing offense (like ours) is fast-paced.

But remember that the Alabama offense only scored 6-21-21 on LSU in their last three matchups with the best offensive line college football has possibly ever seen and a defense that kept getting them the ball back.
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Going through the OSU/UW game quickly, I didn't see any abnormal fronts. They do run a ton out of the I with two TEs (Pedersen/Arneson). Even the goal-line set had those two with FB Watt and TE Wozniak as the 8th/9th blockers, rather than tackle eligible.
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Bucky32;2309089; said:
I know they did it against Nebraska in the CCG, not sure against OSU though.

Interesting that you say that though, as Gary Andersen will likely be bringing in some different looks offensively than the run-run-run philosophy of Alvarez and Bielema.

I am just trying to imagine where tSUN could be going, and the closest match I can find is Alvarez/Bielema. Definitely not the WAC. Definitely not Leach Air Raid.
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shiznit7;2308908; said:
I honestly understand having depth on the O-Line, in fact, as you all know, we need some more ourselves. However, I can't understand taking all of these kids (11 in the 2012 and 2013 classes) at the expense of bolstering the WR and secondary depth. This year, they'll have 16 (maybe 17 if Burzynski gets a scholly) O-lineman on scholarship. Seems like a little much to me. Especially when you consider they oversigned by 2.

Maybe he plans on converting some of the "excess" to defensive linemen???
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