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2013 TSUN Football News

Jeff Hecklinski speaks too slowly, runs out of time before Dantonio gives him the hook:


Dantonio spoke first at the event .... "Coaching is making a difference in somebody's life," ... Hecklinski followed Dantonio, using his time to describe, in detail, Michigan's approach to recruiting ... Hecklinski told the coaches "everything starts" in the state of Michigan. Dantonio, who was hooked up to a microphone, jumped out of his seat and cut off Hecklinski, who did not have a microphone. "OK, here's what we're going to do," Dantonio said .... it wound up having the Michigan coach think he had more time to speak ...
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What's the benefit?

Schools should think before instituting no-visit policies for commits

Updated: February 13, 2013, 1:20 PM ET
By Mitch Sherman | ESPN RecruitingNation

Maybe it's the next big trend in football recruiting.
Another premier program appears set to take a hard-line stance in refusing to allow committed prospects to take visits elsewhere.
Texas is joining the likes of Michigan and Oregon -- and on a slightly less relevant scale, Georgia Tech -- in instituting a no-visit policy for its commits.


Offensive guard David Dawson of Detroit Cass Tech decommitted from the Wolverines and took a visit to Florida in October. He later returned to Michigan's class.

"One thing that you have to understand about that policy," Hoke said on signing day, "every situation is a little bit different."

In other words, Michigan will bend its rules to best suit the program, to look out for itself.

Recruits should do the same.


Pretty good article taking TSUN to task for its no-visit rule for committed high school kids. Even better, it points out that Hoke folded on his own policy when Dawson called Hoke's bluff. So, I guess we can add "spineless" to the fat windbag's list of characteristics.
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From your same article:

Michigan pulled Samuelson from Nebraska, which, incidentally, got him to decommit from Pittsburgh. Samuelson didn't have the Nebraska offer when he committed to Pittsburgh, and he didn't have the Michigan offer when he committed to Nebraska.

"In that sense," he said, "I think I did the right thing."

Michigan began "sniffing around," Samuelson said, after Thanksgiving. While he was still a Nebraska commit, he made an official visit to Ann Arbor in January and switched his pledge to Michigan on the trip.

First - Do you hear Bo Pelini whining about this? Here's another article in which he shows where his commitments are:

Pelini on New Recruiting Rules

"My first responsibility always will be with my wife and my kids," he said. "Second of all, it's obviously my job to coach the kids that are on campus first. And, obviously, part of my responsibility is to recruit. Believe me, we'll do what's necessary to put together the best classes we possibly can."

Said Pelini: "Obviously, we're recruiting kids with talent. But a certain type of young man gravitates to our program. We don't go in with a lot of bells and whistles.

"It's pretty special, what we have to offer here. If you're about the right things, I think it's a place that sells itself, to a certain extent."

Second - the original ESPN article that was quoted was written by Mitch Sherman - former writer for the Omaha World Herald....:biggrin:
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Got a commitment from scout #19 OT Mason Cole. That makes 84 offensive linemen fat garbageman has recruited in the last two classes. Talk about the anti-dickrod. In four years they'll do the total 180 of a roster full of fast 5'9 / 175 lb guys to a roster full of slow 6'3 / 290 lbs guys. :lol:
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