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2013 TSUN Football News

More bind-boggling insights into tSUN recruiting .... glad they have a "good handle" on things.


Michigan recruiting coordinator Jeff Hecklinski says Michigan already has gotten an early start on 2014 recruiting. The Wolverines are known as efficient recruiters under Brady Hoke

So, while Michigan just put the bow on a top 10 recruiting class Wednesday, it already has turned its focus in earnest to 2014. The staff, in fact, evaluated approximately 500 prospects on Tuesday and Wednesday, just as it was inking the 2013 haul.

Coach Brady Hoke said Michigan will evaluate about 1,500 players in the class overall.

"We got a pretty good handle on what we're doing," Michigan receivers coach and recruiting coordinator Jeff Hecklinski said this week. "We'll come back in probably every day and look at another five to 10 kids as we go through this and a kid pops up here and a kid pops up there.

Admittedly, being early offers helped them last year, but now, they seem to be pretty far behind. Meyer admitted last year that what he fears most is making a mistake. tSUN does not seem to agonize over that. "A kid pops up here and a kid pops up there".
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stowfan;2304889; said:
UM picked up a nice DT recruit today, a kid from Utah named Mone.

Good pickup for them, interesting that they're building a little mini-Polynesian pipeline with Highlands out in SLC. Mone will have to watch his weight but has the quickness that you don't see often from someone his size.

Not to gush over M but they just out recruited Chad Kauha'aha'a, Wisconsin's DL coach who developed Star Lotulelei at Utah and was handling Mone's recruitment there. That's a heck of a job.
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Coach Brady Hoke said Michigan will evaluate about 1,500 players in the class overall.

"We got a pretty good handle on what we're doing," Michigan receivers coach and recruiting coordinator Jeff Hecklinski said this week. "We'll come back in probably every day and look at another five to 10 kids as we go through this and a kid pops up here and a kid pops up there.

It's going to take a long, long time to evaluate 1500 players at a rate of 5 to 10 a day. Michigan math, sheesh.
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RE: Speed is overrated???

Mario Manningham did not have elite speed, he had elite athleticism and great technique and destroyed db's. Usc destroyed cf for 6yrs with wr's that couldn't break a 4.5 40 with great technique and all the things coach Heck talked about...

...Morgan Trent, 4.3 to 4.4 guy, we know was torched by Dewayne Jarrett 4.6 to 4.7 guy on the very things coach Heck talked about....

You tell me...


Couldn't resist posting this reference to one of my all-time favorite Wolverines.
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I'm reasonably certain Jeff Hecklinksi has Down Syndrome.

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WolverineMike;2304648; said:
I'm not drinking any more kool aid than the guy who thinks Derrick Green would be the 5th best running back on osu......:lol:

Jordan Hall, Rod Smith, Carlos Hyde, Brionte Dunn, Ball, and Elliot...He may be the 7th on OSU roster...I'm saying that with a straight face. Obviously OSU think Elliot is better because they dropped Green for him.

Who says Green is better than Smith? Fitz? ...Heck he may be the 5th best on Michigans roster.

You guys had negative rushing yards minus Denards production. Your Oline is not a power run OLine...take away yardage by Gardner and Denard last year and your backs proved to be subpar...

We are beating your ass in 13' and 14'
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Elite WRs are big and fast. Hmmm? TSUN just got three 3* guys. None are fast or Elite.
Green is a nice back but not the best running back in the country. The Bama commit Henry or USC's Issac(sp?) would be that.
Where are the explosive" playmakers?
Oh! They are emulating Wisconsin! That should win them many games but look at Wisconsin's ceiling in big games. Maybe we're seeing Hoke's "ceiling"?
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In an attempt to see what the scUM faithful might be bitching or bragging about I came across this lil gem.

Urban Meyer?s Top 11 Recruiting Tips for Fellow B1G Coaches

6. So, I know that some of my players were previously committed to other coaches in this room and maybe a few of you might be a little disappointed about that. I just want to come right out and address it. No need to beat around the bush. See, when a player makes a verbal commitment to, say, the University of Illinois?what that really means is he?s committed to Illinois or Ohio State. It?s like he?s both of ours, you see? Now maybe it will come to pass that the Buckeyes don?t need him in our class, and then he?ll go to Illinois. But to go and use words like ?poaching?? ?Snake oil?? Well, that?s really not necessary. And really not accurate, to be perfectly honest.

I can Imagine ThaKids head exploding.

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