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2013 TSUN Football News

WolverineMike;2304398; said:
Vincent Smith isn't back there any more. I like our chances going forward.....at least once the O-line gets a little older. Lot of youth on next seasons line, and in the backfield probably. My guess right now, 9-10 wins next season, with Gardners 5th year of eligibility (assuming he gets the redshirt) being the team that wins it's first B1G title in awhile.

But who knows.

C'mon Mike, are you joking? Hoke is building a team to go head to head with Sparty. OSU is the furthest thing from his mind. He's building Wisconsin.
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WolverineMike;2304387; said:
if you build your offense around a power run game, the play action will help in getting defenses to bite and cause some separation. Not saying we don't need some burners to force defenses to respect the deep ball, but at least they are getting taller on the outside. Just my IMO.

I have to ask you, exactly who (which positions) on defense is meant to "bite" on play action when a power run game is employed?
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buckiprof;2304432; said:
I have to ask you, exactly who (which positions) on defense is meant to "bite" on play action when a power run game is employed?

I'm guessing he is going for the safeties. Which has no bearing on what the corners are doing, ie covering the slow, tall WR's.
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maximumblitz;2304334; said:
Maybe tSUN recruit Wilton Speight, ranked by 247 as the 29th best Pro QB is good at throwing jump balls?

I am not seeing any ridiculous mismatches here:
Conley is 6' 2".
Apple is 6' 0".
Burrows is 6' 2".
Bell is 6' 1".

I am not sure what anyone's vertical leap is.

Larry Fitzgerald is 6' 3".

I have heard that speed kills.


Not everybody has DBs this size. UMs strategy might work very well to get them to 10-2. But it wont get them a B1G title.
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Oh so even their coach has adopted the "we didn't need him anyways" rhetoric to compensate for blowing their lead on Treadwell? Also, you can't judge high school players perimeter speed based on limited touches? :lol::lol::lol: If he really thinks that he needs to be replaced by a coach that can judge perimeter speed because to be quite blunt, yes you can.

And bite on the play action? Assuming that's true, it's always nice to have faster receivers that can maintain the separation created by the DBs biting on the play action...there is a thing called recovery speed and our DBs have it. And size if there is no separation? Yeah, our DBs also have that.

As for our WRs, there is not a ton of size yet (5'11-6 foot range) but when you have the route running and speed to get past DBs by a mile, you don't really need to be false. The real issue that makes their coach sound like an idiot is he sets a false dichotomy. Basically he is saying if you are fast, you do not catch the ball nearly as well. Well I won't be the first one to tell him that isn't true but Joey Galloway, Santonio Holmes, Gonzo, Ginn, Hartline, etc. would be. This is simply an attempt to justify not recruiting guys who have both the requisite hands, size, and speed to play the position effectively at the Big Ten level. Now of course you don't have to be a blazer to get separation and make plays but then again, that isn't what he tried to say.
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The tSUN receivers coach seems to be running the world. Jeff Hecklinksi is either a genius or he is not.

ANN ARBOR -- Michigan signed three receivers last week, none of whom ranks better than a three star.

They seem to be big on size, but lack elite speed.

That doesn't concern receivers coach Jeff Hecklinski.

"Speed is overrated," he said last week. "Obviously, it's something we have to have. But speed is overrated.

That changed Wednesday, when Richmond (Va.) Collegiate School quarterback Wilton Speight pulled the trigger for Michigan. The 6-foot-6, 220-pound Speight impressed U-M wide receivers coach and recruiting coordinator Jeff Hecklinski -- a former quarterback at Illinois -- in a tryout the previous Friday. He committed immediately upon receiving the scholarship offer.

This is mind boggling compared to tOSU spending months analyzing QBs.
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When I hear 'Speed is Overrated', all I hear is 'tOSU is getting too fast, so let's act like we don't care and claim slower is better...

Plus it is clear they have always had trouble judging speed...

I mean, how can you truly judge speed watching it fly by you...


Obviously misjudged the speed here as well...

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WolverineMike;2304398; said:
Vincent Smith isn't back there any more. I like our chances going forward.....at least once the O-line gets a little older. Lot of youth on next seasons line, and in the backfield probably. My guess right now, 9-10 wins next season, with Gardners 5th year of eligibility (assuming he gets the redshirt) being the team that wins it's first B1G title in awhile.

But who knows.

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WolverineMike;2304648; said:
I'm not drinking any more kool aid than the guy who thinks Derrick Green would be the 5th best running back on osu......:lol:
I don't think Derrick Green being the 5th best RB is a stretch. Obviously we don't know what Ball can do but Dunn, Smith, Hyde, and Hall are all pretty darn good backs that already have college experience.
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OhioState001;2304650; said:
I don't think Derrick Green being the 5th best RB is a stretch. Obviously we don't know what Ball can do but Dunn, Smith, Hyde, and Hall are all pretty darn good backs that already have college experience.

Yep. Players who ABSOLUTELY would be ahead of him this year:

1. Carlos Hyde
2. Jordan Hall
3. Rod Smith

Players who arguably would be agead of him:

4. Bri'onte Dunn (similar player, but with a year under his belt)
5. Ezekiel Elliott (not so much more talented, but different type of back who does not have 3 other similar backs ahead of him on the depth chart)
6. Warren Ball (this is the one back who I would probably have Derrick Green ahead of, but I have heard good things from people who follow recruiting closer than I do that he is underrated)

That puts him at best 4th on the team if he were here
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