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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments

buxfan4life;2193939; said:
If D-tard is so damn fast, then why was he in the whore the past 6 weeks and not in London? Seriously, can someone tell me why a kid who claims to be this fast was never asked, nor took the initiative himself, to try out for the Olympic team?
Because in the Olympics, they make you tie your shoes.
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Jaxbuck;2193923; said:
Pretty goddamned big


Fuck Zach Novak.
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colobuck79;2195244; said:
Apparently the winning powerball ticket was sold in that horrible state up north. :( Please let it be to a displaced Buckeye.

I have it on good authority from Doris, the waitress at the Dew Drop Inn in Bad Axe, that the winner is Elvis. He's been on the road crew there for years.
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BUCKYLE;2195338; said:
I'd love to see them race. :lol:

I'm not sure that Bolt would win at 40. While he can't throw the ball worth a damn, the kid is very quick and for 40 yds/meters there aren't going to be too many people faster. Being a long strider Bolt seems slow getting out of the blocks and into full stride. On the other side, hairball probably doesn't know how to start from blocks - not the easiest part of track coaching - and has no where near Bolt's top gear.
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cincibuck;2195346; said:
I'm not sure that Bolt would win at 40. While he can't throw the ball worth a damn, the kid is very quick and for 40 yds/meters there aren't going to be too many people faster. Being a long strider Bolt seems slow getting out of the blocks and into full stride. On the other side, hairball probably doesn't know how to start from blocks - not the easiest part of track coaching - and has no where near Bolt's top gear.

He is not even the fastest college football player. Bolt would kill him in any race they had, especially if it was on the track. Track spikes need to be tied to work properly.
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The only reason that Deshard even thinks he has a chance is because of those that Usain is racing against.

Analogy: If you line up top of the line sports cars, you'll see that there are some that get off the line faster than the others. However, that doesn't mean that the Chevy Nova in the stands would even have a chance.
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