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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments



scUM has some good comments:

Do female engineering students at Michigan wear shirts that read "I'm too smart to go to Penn State"?

Maybe they should engineer a mirror

Or large paper bags

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Wolverines QB says he could beat Bolt in 40

In the run-up to playing Alabama, Denard Robinson let his mind wander to another, far less tangible match-up with Usain Bolt. "I've watched him run, and I'm pretty sure I can beat him in a 40-yard dash," Robinson said at Michigan's media day on Sunday. "I'd get a better start, and I could take him. "At 60 yards, I'd be in trouble, and at 100 meters, he'd be gone, but I could get him in a 40." The idea for the race came from Devin Gardner, Robinson's backup and the Wolverines' newest weapon at wide receiver. Gardner was asked if the possibility existed of Robinson seeing some snaps at receiver with him at quarterback. "Denard could do that in a heartbeat -- he's the fastest man in the world," Gardner said.

Entire article: http://www.foxsportsdetroit.com/08/12/12/Robinson-I-could-beat-Bolt/landing_um.html

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ScriptOhio;2193810; said:
Wolverines QB says he could beat Bolt in 40

In the run-up to playing Alabama, Denard Robinson let his mind wander to another, far less tangible match-up with Usain Bolt. "I've watched him run, and I'm pretty sure I can beat him in a 40-yard dash," Robinson said at Michigan's media day on Sunday. "I'd get a better start, and I could take him. "At 60 yards, I'd be in trouble, and at 100 meters, he'd be gone, but I could get him in a 40." The idea for the race came from Devin Gardner, Robinson's backup and the Wolverines' newest weapon at wide receiver. Gardner was asked if the possibility existed of Robinson seeing some snaps at receiver with him at quarterback. "Denard could do that in a heartbeat -- he's the fastest man in the world," Gardner said.

Entire article: http://www.foxsportsdetroit.com/08/12/12/Robinson-I-could-beat-Bolt/landing_um.html


Did I miss something is DR going for his 2nd or 3rd Heisman? BTW Boit couldn't find AnnArbor with a map?
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Questioning Bolt in the 40 (~36.5m) is fair, if only because from rewatching the video of the 100m final (or this looped, animated gif) an argument can be made that Blake, Gatlin, Gay, and Bailey all appear even or ahead at around 35 - 40m. Granted, it's not definitive, and the poor perspective doesn't help, but it sure appears Bolt is finishing around 5th in that fictional 40 yard dash.

Where Denard really gets it wrong is watching that and thinking he's also as fast as Blake, Gatlin, Gay, and Bailey.
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Dryden;2193851; said:
Questioning Bolt in the 40 (~36.5m) is fair, if only because from rewatching the video of the 100m final (or this looped, animated gif) an argument can be made that Blake, Gatlin, Gay, and Bailey all appear even or ahead at around 35 - 40m. Granted, it's not definitive, and the poor perspective doesn't help, but it sure appears Bolt is finishing around 5th in that fictional 40 yard dash.

Where Denard really gets it wrong is watching that and thinking he's also as fast as Blake, Gatlin, Gay, and Bailey.

Your last sentence is exactly what I was thinking as I read your post. :lol:
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