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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments

Nicknam4;2186131; said:
This hasn't been posted in a while.

Everybody Hurts - YouTube

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Nicknam4;2186131; said:
This hasn't been posted in a while.

I can't say if this has been posted on BP before..but I do find this amusing. I'm sure most of you have seen the HBO rivalry series, or at least the scUM vs tOSU one. Today while attempting to find a quality copy of that program I noticed something I hadn't noticed before....


If you put the cursor over the ugly colored picture to the left...notice the scrolling text. You will need to see the OHIO STATE slideshow first..but when it's done....well you'll see.
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HorseshoeFetish;2186434; said:
I can't say if this has been posted on BP before..but I do find this amusing. I'm sure most of you have seen the HBO rivalry series, or at least the scUM vs tOSU one. Today while attempting to find a quality copy of that program I noticed something I hadn't noticed before....


If you put the cursor over the ugly colored picture to the left...notice the scrolling text. You will need to see the OHIO STATE slideshow first..but when it's done....well you'll see.

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I can't say if this has been posted on BP before..but I do find this amusing. I'm sure most of you have seen the HBO rivalry series, or at least the scUM vs tOSU one. Today while attempting to find a quality copy of that program I noticed something I hadn't noticed before....


If you put the cursor over the ugly colored picture to the left...notice the scrolling text. You will need to see the OHIO STATE slideshow first..but when it's done....well you'll see.

Hoke is confused again.
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From a recruiting thread:

Buckskin86;2188717; said:
Michigan has made it clear that it intends to recruit bigger defensive backs for its secondaryhttp://insider.espn.go.com/blog/ncfrecruiting/east/post?id=3642

Weren't Michigan fans excited to get away from the slow, plodding Ernest Shazor model of safety when Rodriguez came to town because it was a remnant of Lloyd Carr's outdated philosophies and it was holding them back? Or am I not remembering that correctly?

Either way, please please please let Hoke be stupid enough to recruit more Shazor's at safety for some old school, pro-style slug fests.

May tsun move back and forth from one extreme (Rodriguez) to the other (Carr, Hoke?) for the rest of time on a continuous cycle of fail.
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