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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments

buxfan4life;2193939; said:
If D-tard is so damn fast, then why was he in the whore the past 6 weeks and not in London? Seriously, can someone tell me why a kid who claims to be this fast was never asked, nor took the initiative himself, to try out for the Olympic team? I would figure you would want to prove you are fast, rather than just talk a bunch of [Mark May] about it.

[censored] him.

[censored] michigan.

Leave Nard-dog alone. He was busy training to be a WR in the NFL.
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Bolt is slow off the blocks compared to the other fastest men in the world. Denard isn't beating Jeff Demps in the 40 and neither are beating Bolt.

Edit: Bolt's 40m split in Beijing was 4.64s. 40m/4.64s = 8.621 m/s
1 m/s = 1.094 y/s
8.621 x 1.094 = 9.431 y/s
40 yards/9.431 y/s = 4.24 seconds, or the fastest ever time recorded at the NFL combine, which was not dependent on a reaction to a gun firing.
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LMAO...stupid as hell to do this...but because it's scUM it makes it funny.

Oklahoma school bans Michigan gear?

Michigan Wolverine football apparently is not only frowned upon in the state of Ohio, but also in Oklahoma.

An Oklahoma City 5-year-old student was forced to turn his maize and blue T-shirt inside-out by the elementary school principal, according to a report by KWTV News 9. Although he couldn't sport his family's favorite school colors, he can wear an Oklahoma Sooners or Oklahoma State Cowboys shirt. Oklahoma City Public Schools only allow in-state college apparel to be worn.

The policy has the kindergartener's mother outraged.

"They should really worry about academics. It wasn't offensive. He's 5," she told News 9.

The incident has the school district believing it needs to re-evaluate its dress code rules which were set in 2005 with an Anti-Gang Task Force.

"When I talked with the superintendent, he absolutely had concerns about it and thinks it might be outdated," an OKCPS spokeswoman told News 9.

For now at least, this young sports fan will have to save his Wolverine pride for Saturdays.

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Jaxbuck;2197489; said:
What fucking gang wears scUM gear?

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