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2011 TSUN shenanigans and arguments (off season)

BuckeyeMike80;2063983; said:
ohio sTATe?


Is that all those [censored]s can come up with? is the inbreeding from central Pennsyl[Mark May]holia spreading to Ann Arbor (is a whore)???
Eh, it's a little more clever than just calling us ohio (make sure not to capitalize the "o"). :lol:
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They're going from average to good, which is what they should and always will be when it comes to recruiting.

Again, not to put too much stock in recruiting rankings, but per Scout:

Michigan average star rating: 3.65
OSU: ..................................3.61

I am assuming 3.62 is excellent, 3.63 outstanding, and anything above 3.64 is beyond all imagining.

Of course, that would not hold up if we landed Spence and shot to 3.68.

Last time the average rating for a Michigan class was higher than OSU - 2004.
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Oh8ch;2063988; said:
Again, not to put too much stock in recruiting rankings, but per Scout:

Michigan average star rating: 3.65
OSU: ..................................3.61

I am assuming 3.62 is excellent, 3.63 outstanding, and anything above 3.64 is beyond all imagining.

Of course, that would not hold up if we landed Spence and shot to 3.68.

Last time the average rating for a Michigan class was higher than OSU - 2004.
Given the on field results since then, maybe there's something to those stars. Well that, and not hiring a total boob as the face of your program for three years.
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To this week.
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BuckeyeMike80;2063983; said:
ohio sTATe?


Is that all those [censored]s can come up with? is the inbreeding from central Pennsyl[Mark May]holia spreading to Ann Arbor (is a whore)???

On the bright side, at least they've tricked themselves into saying "Ohio State" again instead of "Ohio".
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CentralMOBuck;2064052; said:
Can somebody clarify to me exactly what scummers think Urban Meyer is doing wrong? Is it what Fred Flintsone was talking about with tOSU having an unfair advantage w/ Meyer being able to recruit?
According to them, we were dominating for the past decade because of "cheating" of JT.

I just think Willis McGhee saying "deep down, ohio state knows they lost the game" or something similar to that, to be in the same ballpark as scUMmers claiming ohio state won THE GAME the last few years because they cheated...

They are both SORE LOSERS!!!

And it is so damn funny...
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CentralMOBuck;2064052; said:
Can somebody clarify to me exactly what scummers think Urban Meyer is doing wrong? Is it what Fred Flintsone was talking about with tOSU having an unfair advantage w/ Meyer being able to recruit?

As I see it they now realize that tUM is able to remove them from whatever recruiting situation he sees fit to remove them from. As an example I give you this which was posted earlier today.


I'm also pretty sure they feel that locking down our soft commits before cHoke gets to offer them half of his sammich in the big hole offers a bigger competitive edge than even a Tat can provide.
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More MgoBlow Hilarity

I think Meyer is changing the tide. Hes getting prostyle running backs to commit. Hell people in Michigan are starting to think their fucked.

I guess this is the next best thing, if he wasn't going to come to Michigan. He may as well get lost in an offense with a coach who has never produced a 1000 yard rusher (I don't know if anybody has mentioned that yet on this blog /s) so we don't have to worry about his skills. While he is busy blocking all game for Braxton, he can watch our stable of running backs put up Heisman caliber stats. Dunn, it's not too late...we will still welcome you into the light!

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I am aware of a certain 240 pound guy who played under Meyer who put up some pretty solid rushing numbers. Sure, this guy was also known to throw the football, but it's hard to argue that Meyer doesn't know how to run a power set.

Dunn gives, what, 20 pounds to this guy I'm talking about?

I'm fairly sure Meyer has an idea how to run Dunn.
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