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2011 TSUN shenanigans and arguments (off season)

NFBuck;2063801; said:
Don't forget Gary Moeller getting all [Mark May]faced in very public fashion, and their Yoda never even won a NC.

It's really ironic that the scum fans over there are saying the Ohio State fans are mad. Yet, the amount of butt hurt-ness over there is ridiculous. If they lose Dymonte, I fear the worst for the fanbase. And I'm going to love watching every second of it.

Here's another gem:
He won't maximize his potential at OSU IMHO....I feel he'll be severely underutilized...but I see why Meyer wanted him so badly...and IMHO it was much more to keep him from Michigan than to use him at RB...that was just a bonus.

Oh, you mean like Antonio Pittman and Beanie Wells running circles around your defense? Didn't Well's run in basically a glorified WC offense, with an emphasis on the ground game? Why would it change with Urban here? :lol:

These fans are running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

From the same post:
No...this would have been much more impressive had Michigan landed him than OSU keeping him....not even as impressive as landing Schutt and Pittman (and eventually Dodson) and I already commented that IMHO those aren't all that impressive either given the context..

Someone's mad Pittman wanted to play for Little Brother before coming to Big Papa.
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The tone on their boards is shifting back to how it was in Nov-Dec 2010...right around the time dickrod went "full-groban". Right where it belongs.

Like others have said...it's the height of hilarity that their first win over tOSU in 8 years is quicky overshadowed and now nearly forgotten. Thank's Urb!
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NFBuck;2063808; said:
The tone on their boards is shifting back to how it was in Nov-Dec 2010...right around the time dickrod went "full-groban". Right where it belongs.

SWEET JESUS how could I ever have forgotten that! It's almost sweeter to have given them that one taste of relevance before dismissing them back from whence they came.

Be gone, ye demons of the 19th century.
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Dumb scUM fans post:
As far as Kalis goes, how many times does he have to say he's blue 100% before people believe him. I'm sick of it, he blue get over it, are you trying to wish him gone.

Witty OSU fan's response:

I remember when he was 100% Buckeye too.

"Ohio State is just the right fit for me, and it's the only school I have ever considered."

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Merih;2063809; said:
SWEET JESUS how could I ever have forgotten that! It's almost sweeter to have given them that one taste of relevance before dismissing them back from whence they came.

Be gone, ye demons of the 19th century.

Someone just said on one of the threads that Michigan has been the most competitive (2nd place/loser) in the Big Ten since 2001 (Tress' first year). Are they really THAT delusional?! Illinois has been just about as impressive as scUM has the last decade. Penn State, MSU, Wisconsin, and Iowa have all been clearly better.
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Merih;2063809; said:
SWEET JESUS how could I ever have forgotten that! It's almost sweeter to have given them that one taste of relevance before dismissing them back from whence they came.

Be gone, ye demons of the 19th century.
The best thing is, Hoke is actually doing some really nice things up there and has them well on their way back to respectability. But, their hatred of all things tOSU has them totally blinded. Six weeks ago they thought their program was taking off right as tOSU was sinking into the abyss...that they were on their way back to domination in this rivalry. Well, the rumors of the Buckeye demise were greatly exaggerated. And they can't stand it.
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