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2011 TSUN shenanigans and arguments (off season)

wow, amazing.... so O$U will come off of a cheating scandal and land 3 or more times the 5-star kids that we will doing it straight. ridiculous, it pays to cheat and have someone working close to the NCAA.

Someone needs to explain how a player getting several minor side benefits is not "cheating", while lying to get in someone extra practice sessions (as DickRod did) is.
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Oh - I think it is a definite advantage. It's just funny as Hell that the one win in a blue moon over tOSU by the skunkbears saw its juice virtually disappear in the news of the Urban hire and the recruiting blitz.

Their heads should be exploding right now, and that is very entertaining to me. :lol:
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MililaniBuckeye;2063451; said:
Someone needs to explain how a player getting several minor side benefits is not "cheating", while lying to get in someone extra practice sessions (as DickRod did) is.

If it's such a big fucking deal then Michigan players should go sell all their bowl awards and trinkets for their victories over their rivals in 2008 and 2009 too.

Geez ... :shake:
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From UM Scout board, in response to Dymonte Thomas offer:

Urban Liar trying to work that snake oil once again. He can't get his own players, so he has to get one's that are committed elsewhere.


If we steal Thomas, Michigan fans might go back under that same rock they were hiding under from 2007-2010
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Urban Liar trying to work that snake oil once again. He can't get his own players, so he has to get one's that are committed elsewhere.

Are they referring to us trying to steal Thomas, or stealing Dunn who committed to OSU long ago and was coming to visit Michigan at Hoke's urging?

How could the OP miss the hypocrisy in his own post?
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Gatorubet;2063454; said:
Oh - I think it is a definite advantage. It's just funny as Hell that the one win in a blue moon over tOSU by the skunkbears saw its juice virtually disappear in the news of the Urban hire and the recruiting blitz.

Their heads should be exploding right now, and that is very entertaining to me. :lol:
1000 TIMES, YES.

Urban Liar trying to work that snake oil once again. He can't get his own players, so he has to get one's that are committed elsewhere.
Roundtree, Kalis, Shart, Dunn (attempt) et al...hilarious.
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TooTallMenardo;2063718; said:
From UM Scout board, in response to Dymonte Thomas offer:


If we steal Thomas, Michigan fans might go back under that same rock they were hiding under from 2007-2010

I'm pretty certain the average age of the posters on S&M must be about 12. The trash they write is just pathetic.
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