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2011 TSUN shenanigans and arguments (off season)

generaladm;2059478; said:
I caught part of an interview with a scUM football player on BTN's bowl preview, he consistently referred to OSU as "Ohio". It appears to be company policy now.

Hoke won't say "Ohio State" for the same reason Hogwarts wouldn't say "Voldemort."
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A friend of mine is dating this dude from Michigan. This season, before they won, he was preaching the "Michigan fans don't care about Ohio State, the real rival is Michigan State."

Guess who has a renewed interest in this rivalry?

Hilariously sad.
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Here's a gem...
woodson224blue wrote:
part of it was TP's idiocy in picking OSU, instead of a spread-style system. if he picked a team/system which would showcase his abilities, like RR/Chip Kelly, etc., I think he has a MONSTER individual career. but, let's not forget, the reason why OSU won so many games was largely because they had so much more talent than the opposition, much like we did in the Carr era. he wasn't asked to do much, because of JT's philosophy of strong D, great special teams, and fundamental, mistake free offense​
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ant80;2060535; said:
Here's a gem...
woodson224blue wrote:
part of it was TP's idiocy in picking OSU, instead of a spread-style system. if he picked a team/system which would showcase his abilities, like RR/Chip Kelly, etc., I think he has a MONSTER individual career. but, let's not forget, the reason why OSU won so many games was largely because they had so much more talent than the opposition, much like we did in the Carr era. he wasn't asked to do much, because of JT's philosophy of strong D, great special teams, and fundamental, mistake free offense
Love the hypocrisy. They drool over kids that commit there because they want to be "m*ch*g*n men" and be "part of something bigger", but when an individual choses another school for that reason, he's an idiot. Never mind the fact that TP stated he wanted to go somewhere that would make him a true qb that could get him to the nfl and not some glorified RB in a non-nfl friendly system. Idiots. All of 'em.

BTW, for all the bluster coming from that barren sinkhole about not being worried about UFM, their boards sure are cluttered with threads bemoaning the splash he's making in recruiting in such a short period. :lol:
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NFBuck;2060538; said:
Love the hypocrisy. They drool over kids that commit there because they want to be "m*ch*g*n men" and be "part of something bigger", but when an individual choses another school for that reason, he's an idiot. Never mind the fact that TP stated he wanted to go somewhere that would make him a true qb that could get him to the nfl and not some glorified RB in a non-nfl friendly system. Idiots. All of 'em.

BTW, for all the bluster coming from that barren sinkhole about not being worried about UFM, their boards sure are cluttered with threads bemoaning the splash he's making in recruiting in such a short period. :lol:

my favorite thus far was saying that dunn would only be a 5 carry per game power back at osu behind a 170lb scat back. i'm fairly certain I was banned when I stated that ttun's leader in rushing attempts was their qb, followed by a 5'9'' 190lb back. I also pointed out that none of their 4 leading rushers in terms of attempts is over 200lbs.
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