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2011 tOSU Recruiting Discussion

Taking two stud QB's in the same class never works out, I can't think of an example where it did. You almost always end up losing one of them to transfer or in rare cases they hang around to be a career backup and never make a significant impact on the field. I agree with jwins, take one stud QB every year is the best strategy. This is basically what USC has done the past decade and nobody in college football has been as consistently good at the QB position as USC has been in that time frame. Take Braxton and call it a day as much as I would love to see Cardale Jones at OSU.

Just a small tidbit from Rivals Radio on Thursday. Mike Farrell in his weekly recruiting segment this week basically echoed the sentiments that many on here have with Braxton that's it's a matter of when not if. He came right out and said Braxton to OSU is a foregone conclusion and everyone knows it. He also made it sound like a commitment in the not too distant future(probably summer) was what he expected.
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HINYG8;1698511; said:
has anyone looked out a year or two with an eye on whether or not there is an OSU worthy QB in Ohio on the way up?

Maybe the staff is considering two now because the next class or two is void of local big time QBs?

I'm probably not the best person to answer that question, but the first name that comes to my mind is Maty Mauk. He could end up a ND lean with Kelly out there, though.
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So UT took Snead and McCoy....and lost Jevon when Colt won the starting job.

Sounds like a problem OSU would like to have.
Sounds like taking Taylor Graham & Braxton Miller in consecutive classes.
USC had three guys fighting for the top job....were confronted with some injuries...and they picked the horse they wanted to ride on Saturdays. Not sure I see the problem....and USC's woes (if you want to call them that) can be chalked up to far more significant root causes than the results of their QB battle.
They returned 5 OL, all 4 RBs, their star FB, #2 WR & TE. The only loss, Patrick Turner, wasn't exactly an all-american. I think it's quite fair to label QB as the root cause of their problems on offense. They had 3 talents but no guys that could execute well enough.
has anyone looked out a year or two with an eye on whether or not there is an OSU worthy QB in Ohio on the way up?

Maybe the staff is considering two now because the next class or two is void of local big time QBs?
Mauk is a domer. Charles Rogers from Iowa could be an interesting option, especially since he can help OSU at positions besides QB.
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Sportsbuck28;1698541; said:
Exactly. People forget that McCoy was a 3* coming out of HS.
Not just a 3* but a scrawny guy the size of a corner. He didn't look the part of a future starter, which Taylor does at 6'4" 210.

If OSU had a lot of scholarships for the next two years or ended up striking out on a handful of their 2011 targets, then it would be easier to take a second quality quarterback
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jwinslow;1698538; said:
Sounds like taking Taylor Graham & Braxton Miller in consecutive classes.
I tend to agree with you in general... Just wondering.. Aren't you a little worried about the fact that both Graham and Miller have had serious injury problems in H.S.? For me, that makes me lean towards taking Cordale.. In fact a heavy lean. Just don't see any reason why we shouldn't expect Miller and Graham to be injury-prone in college as well.
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08 - Broken leg, doesn't concern me. It healed, and usually bones come back stronger afterwards.
09 - Missed two games with a deep thigh bruise. Missed school the injury was so bad. He came back and played his best football, including a ridiculous performance vs rival Centerville.

It would concern me if I thought Braxton was frail, or that Tressel would run him as much as Wayne does (or how much RR would). At OSU he'll have better athletes to shoulder the load, particularly in the backfield. Braxton is far from mature physically. He's 6-3, 195 lbs and still has room to fill out.

Tressel is not an offensive mastermind, but he is great at tweaking what he does to fit his personnel, especially their weaknesses. Pryor is tentative around contact when fully healthy. This became an even bigger problem when forced to play hurt most of last year, so he adjusted the offense to lighten the load on his limited QB.

As for Mr. Jones, Cardale loves OSU & so does everyone around him. I think they can afford to slow play him and come calling if more spots open up (say they can't fill that last spot for OL or DB with the caliber of player they need). They have been straight with him and situations like these are where their honesty really pays off. He understands the situation and still would love to be a buckeye.
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Buckeye Nut;1698532; said:
Taking two stud QB's in the same class never works out, I can't think of an example where it did. You almost always end up losing one of them to transfer or in rare cases they hang around to be a career backup and never make a significant impact on the field. I agree with jwins, take one stud QB every year is the best strategy. This is basically what USC has done the past decade and nobody in college football has been as consistently good at the QB position as USC has been in that time frame. Take Braxton and call it a day as much as I would love to see Cardale Jones at OSU.

Just a small tidbit from Rivals Radio on Thursday. Mike Farrell in his weekly recruiting segment this week basically echoed the sentiments that many on here have with Braxton that's it's a matter of when not if. He came right out and said Braxton to OSU is a foregone conclusion and everyone knows it. He also made it sound like a commitment in the not too distant future(probably summer) was what he expected.

I would almost put the house on Braxton being a Buckeye before he starts his senior year. He is in DePriest's ear...he is our only shot there. However, I think Cardale could also play receiver if need be. We always have a scholarship open up surprisingly at the end of the year, I would love to see Jones get that if it is there. Braxton really isn't worried about competition and I don't see taking Miller and Jones as a problem. They aren't two 5 star hot heads. Miller is the best QB in the country and Jones is a raw, low-level 4 star (maybe high 3 star) player at this point, who may or may not end up at QB at the next level. Now if we wanted to get a Bridgewater, LeMay, Golson, etc. then I would agree.
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To be clear my stance on not needing Cardale has nothing to do with his promising ability, I like him a lot and he's far better than what Ohio produces most years. I'm just reserved because of the numbers crunch, but if they find a way to squeeze him in (obviously knowing more than us about numbers, potential transfers, 2012/13 early scouting, etc), I'll be quite pleased.

Fortunately, whatever happens with Cardale, Mr. Miller will be headed to the good guys eventually :)
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Buckeye Nut;1698532; said:
Taking two stud QB's in the same class never works out, I can't think of an example where it did.

Justin Zwick and Troy Smith? Anyone??

Much like JWin just said, if you can find a way to get Cardale into this class late, do it. Not doubting Braxton's ability for one second, but Cardale would be an excellent insurance policy.
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BuckTwenty;1698602; said:
Justin Zwick and Troy Smith? Anyone??

Much like JWin just said, if you can find a way to get Cardale into this class late, do it. Not doubting Braxton's ability for one second, but Cardale would be an excellent insurance policy.
Yeah, I'm aware of those two. Zwick was a highly touted QB out of high school and ended up being a career backup, not exactly the way he envisoned things working out I'd bet. I'm talking about it working out for the players, it never does. From OSU's perspective you never want to lose your top 2 QB's to graduation, OSU got extrememly lucky that their 3rd string QB taking over the starting role in 2007 was a guy who'd been in the program for five years. Normally going to your 3rd string QB the following year is a very dicey proposition because it's either a true or redshirt freshman.
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Buckeye Nut;1698674; said:
Yeah, I'm aware of those two. Zwick was a highly touted QB out of high school and ended up being a career backup, not exactly the way he envisoned things working out I'd bet. I'm talking about it working out for the players, it never does. From OSU's perspective you never want to lose your top 2 QB's to graduation, OSU got extrememly lucky that their 3rd string QB taking over the starting role in 2007 was a guy who'd been in the program for five years. Normally going to your 3rd string QB the following year is a very dicey proposition because it's either a true or redshirt freshman.

And if Ohio State only takes one that year, it's Justin Zwick. That would be a much worse situation.
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If that's how you feel, you obviously just saw the stats in the paper the next morning and didn't actually watch the game. It took him a quarter or so to get settled in, but once he did he got the longhorns right back into the game, and almost regained the lead late in the game.
So when Bama called off the dogs in the middle of the game, the QB who played downright awful hit a couple big plays that forced Bama to turn it back on, where he promptly crumbled?

That's what the paper told me, anyways.
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jwinslow;1698580; said:
To be clear my stance on not needing Cardale has nothing to do with his promising ability, I like him a lot and he's far better than what Ohio produces most years. I'm just reserved because of the numbers crunch, but if they find a way to squeeze him in (obviously knowing more than us about numbers, potential transfers, 2012/13 early scouting, etc), I'll be quite pleased.

Fortunately, whatever happens with Cardale, Mr. Miller will be headed to the good guys eventually :)

This echos my view also. Give us Braxton and if Cardale gets his score find a way to get him in. All our eggs are in the Miller basket(which still scares me).
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