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2011 tOSU Recruiting Discussion

For some reason I don't think we get Lyons or Gorman. I don't think either is leaving FL, or the south in general. Our 3rd DB would probably be either Jon Aiken or Eiler Hardy, IMO.

And whats up with J Butler from AZ? Any serious looks going his way from our staff? Just saw his thread and he doesn't look too shabby
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Let's talk tight end recruiting as of right now looks like we strike out on all of our 3 offered TE's. O'Leary basically no chance as everyone has been saying. Vannett sounds all ND, but if Vannett chooses ND that gives them 2 TE's with Koyack having ND in his top 3. I wonder if Koyack would drop ND, Im guessing not but it could happen, either way I don't see Koyack coming here. Opens the door for that kid from Florida that just got a thread and Browne from Ohio.
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OhioState001;1689415; said:
Let's talk tight end recruiting as of right now looks like we strike out on all of our 3 offered TE's. O'Leary basically no chance as everyone has been saying. Vannett sounds all ND, but if Vannett chooses ND that gives them 2 TE's with Koyack having ND in his top 3. I wonder if Koyack would drop ND, Im guessing not but it could happen, either way I don't see Koyack coming here. Opens the door for that kid from Florida that just got a thread and Browne from Ohio.

every time Koyack mentions that how a team uses their tight end is a factor but it isn't the most important thing is basically him saying that Ohio State is his favorite but he has to decide if he wants to listen to all of the negative recruiting or not... that's my take on it at least

I get the feeling that Ohio State has an above average shot in this one
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Buckeye86;1689698; said:
every time Koyack mentions that how a team uses their tight end is a factor but it isn't the most important thing is basically him saying that Ohio State is his favorite but he has to decide if he wants to listen to all of the negative recruiting or not... that's my take on it at least

I get the feeling that Ohio State has an above average shot in this one

Agree... and with the increased use of Stoneburner in practice thus far, if that translates, then Koyack's ours.... hopefully.
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DontHateOState;1693548; said:
I see this class coming together awfully quickly over the next few months. Conceivably, we could be at 17 or 18 before the season starts.

Really, how so? I kind of figured we might get another 1 or 2 recruits around the spring game. And a few more in the summer(3-4), and the rest of the guys waiting until either their seasons or OSU's. With the rest waiting to Signing day
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Six in one, half dozen in the other

pnuts34;1693737; said:
Really, how so? I kind of figured we might get another 1 or 2 recruits around the spring game. And a few more in the summer(3-4), and the rest of the guys waiting until either their seasons or OSU's. With the rest waiting to Signing day

Well, that's really not far off from what he's saying. We're at 9 commits right now, and if we get 2 at the spring game and 4 more through the summer, that puts us to 15, just 2 shy of what he's suggesting.

This class is definitely coming together. The obvious needs have been addressed time and time again, like big bodies on the line, and of course Braxton Miller taking the reigns when Pryor's time is over. But what do you guys see after that? I'm not suggesting we have issues at linebacker, because we have more talent on the roster than we know what to do with, but it would seem we'll be a bit thinner than usual if we don't get some of our targets this year. Last year's class was headlined by Jamel Turner, but his situation is up in the air. It seems like the others we got were considered tweeners more than straight up linebackers. Combine that with the low number of targets we're pursuing this year, and that could put us in a pretty delicate situation if it gets late in the recruiting cycle and those targets end up elsewhere.

So what do you guys think? After Braxton (and taking into consideration the numbers we already have on the offensive and defensive lines) what are must-haves for '11?
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Joe6809;1693742; said:
Well, that's really not far off from what he's saying. We're at 9 commits right now, and if we get 2 at the spring game and 4 more through the summer, that puts us to 15, just 2 shy of what he's suggesting.

This class is definitely coming together. The obvious needs have been addressed time and time again, like big bodies on the line, and of course Braxton Miller taking the reigns when Pryor's time is over. But what do you guys see after that? I'm not suggesting we have issues at linebacker, because we have more talent on the roster than we know what to do with, but it would seem we'll be a bit thinner than usual if we don't get some of our targets this year. Last year's class was headlined by Jamel Turner, but his situation is up in the air. It seems like the others we got were considered tweeners more than straight up linebackers. Combine that with the low number of targets we're pursuing this year, and that could put us in a pretty delicate situation if it gets late in the recruiting cycle and those targets end up elsewhere.

So what do you guys think? After Braxton (and taking into consideration the numbers we already have on the offensive and defensive lines) what are must-haves for '11?

I see what you're saying as far as the class shaping up pretty soon.

And we also brought in Durham and McVey at LB, and Hagan IMO will eventually grow into a OLB. We should be fine at that spot for another year or 2.

And we defintely need at least 2 TEs to be brought in. I'm thinking Fragel will eventually be an OL. And we really need OTs, we're fine at the interior OL with this class. And we need a true CB or 2 as well. So must haves, IMO are: 2 TEs, at least 1 OT and another CB
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pnuts34;1693784; said:
I see what you're saying as far as the class shaping up pretty soon.

And we also brought in Durham and McVey at LB, and Hagan IMO will eventually grow into a OLB. We should be fine at that spot for another year or 2.

And we defintely need at least 2 TEs to be brought in. I'm thinking Fragel will eventually be an OL. And we really need OTs, we're fine at the interior OL with this class. And we need a true CB or 2 as well. So must haves, IMO are: 2 TEs, at least 1 OT and another CB

I'd only add that we could use another WR or two, but otherwise I think that's pretty spot on.
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sepia5;1693796; said:
I'd only add that we could use another WR or two, but otherwise I think that's pretty spot on.

I meant to edit my post and include 2-3 WRs after I took another glance at our depth chart. We could be pretty thin at that position if Posey leaves early. I think that would leave us with only 6 highly recruited WRs(I'm including 2010 Corey Brown at WR). I'm hoping for a WR class of Story, Spencer and Wynn. That would give us size, speed, depth and return ability. For some reason that class would remind me some of our WR class last year.
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I hate passing on him...I understand we are in on some big time talent...but Hardy is a kid that has hips to play cb at the next level.

Amazing that there's a kid who runs under a 4.5, listed at six feet, and the Bucks haven't jumped on him yet. But, looking at the corner big picture, you've got Gambrell already committed, a great shot at Grant, I would think a great chance at Kirby, and an outside shot at Gorman. Last year, they took Bryant and Roby, who both have a world of potential. The wildcard is Louis. I know everyone is thinking receiver first, but a lot of people really like him on defense. If he doesn't grab that #3 receiver spot, he might get a long look at corner. As always, nobody has proven anything until they step on a college practice field, but the numbers game is what it is. In terms of Hardy, let's hope he is patient enough to see how things shake out because it certainly sounds like he has all of the tools to be a solid DB at the next level.
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